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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. There is also the Chinese algae eater who leapt up on to the lid of a breeder tank floating in the main tank and, by the time it was discovered, had become a thin shrivelled stick after sticking to aforementioned lid and drying out under the lights. Took a minute to even work out what it was!
  2. Yeah the BNs are too small as yet. Besides, when they breed they usually do it tucked away where they can't be seen 8)
  3. My son and his partner have a standard 120L community tank and would like to breed something at the lower levels. They were looking at kribs but they can get a bit vicious. They have angels spawning regularly on the filter uplift but would like to try something else. Not sure there is anything that won't get eaten by the other inhabitants though (angel pair. gourami, harlequins, geriatric neons, bristlenoses and small tetras from memory). Any suggestions? I wondered about keyhole cichlids. All the livebearers tend to drop fry closer to the surface and they want a bit more action lower down the tank.
  4. If you do not need the smaller tank for a while, transfer the old filter over as well and run it with the new one then just swap all the fish over at once.
  5. The only time you clean your filter is when the return flow of water has lessened significantly. My Jebo 819 got cleaned recently - for the first time in 12 months. My son is about to clean his and it has been running 14 months.
  6. If you read that neons are impossible to breed then it was a very old book
  7. I just use dark aquarium gravel and have plants growing all over the place. No CO2, fertilisers or anything either
  8. Based on freshwater only, at a temperature of 22˚C, total consumption for a small tank (38L) is about 150kWh (kilowatt hour) a year. A medium tank (114L) 150 - 200 kWh per year and a large aquarium (208L) 200 - 400kWh per year. This is using basic equipment only and merely an average to give you an idea. Exact usage requires an ampmeter, which measures actual energy used and not the energy based on the max output, as some equipment does not run full time (eg heater). watts/1000 x hours x kWh cost x 30 = 30 days cost of aquarium
  9. Attack looks likely.
  10. Caryl

    breeding setup

    Do you mean you want to breed in bulk numbers in tanks rather than in the ponds you have?
  11. Caryl


    If they share it will no longer be a secret It may be a little cool for them at this time of year. Although it might differ in Auckland, down here they die off at this time.
  12. I would have thought whatever deal carriej made with another person is between them and that person and nobody else's business. I think all that needs to be said on the subject has been said and further discussion is pointless so I am locking this thread as it is drifting off topic. It is possible the admins may then decide to delete it all since there are several threads on the same subject.
  13. I had one a year or two ago suddenly blow up really large then burst. I have no idea why. None of the others were affected. :-?
  14. Caryl

    Hi everyone

    Not another Alan!! :lol: Hi and welcome
  15. The South Auckland club only doesn't meet due to current lack of interest (plus one member no longer lives in Auckland and another is heavily involved travelling overseas in the NZ Paralympic boccia team). I am sure if enough of you got together you could revitalise it. There are only 2 members actually living in Sth Auckland at the moment so how about giving them a boost?
  16. I would have no qualms about a visit from MAF - assuming the person knew one end of a fish from the other :roll:
  17. Brad I can assure you the thread was not deleted so MAF would not get suspicious. The FNZAS cooperates with MAF and I doubt MAF used to read this forum but I bet they do now!
  18. I would upgrade. I have the Jebo 819 on my 250L but any bigger and I would actually run 2 filters on it.
  19. It was more the personal debates re GM and GE that were the reason the previous threads were removed, not specifically the subject matter since at that time there was argument as to whether they were actually GM or not.
  20. Sorry nobody was able to help. Without dissection it would be hard to tell what his problem was Put him out with the rubbish if you have nowhere in the garden or compost for him. If rubbish day is a few days away, freeze him in the meantime so he doesn't smell.
  21. To reply to a previous question, yes, white cloud mountain minnows are now banned imports but you are allowed to keep and breed the ones we already have so make sure you do so as, once gone, they will not be able to be imported. This is one of the reasons the FNZAS tries to encuorage people to breed their fish.
  22. Goldfish eat most plants but I have had success with Java fern and Indian fern. I also go to the local river that runs through town and gather up lots of oxygen weed
  23. Before we do that the Wellington Aquarium and Watergarden Society produced an excellent 50 year booklet with the history in it. Interesting reading.
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