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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. HOW did you get yours first wok? They weren't delivered to the PO until about 9.30am Monday so how could you have yours by Monday afternoon?
  2. Good to know the mag didn't get lost this time Alan. As for my marbles, they were lost years ago! I wonder how the postal system works as Tauranga/Whakatane always seem to get theirs before everyone else - and Wellington gets theirs last. :roll:
  3. Caryl

    Hi, Just joined

    Welcome Nikki. I suggest you join the Waikato Aquarium Club too. Just send a PM to Dave or HandS as they are members and can give you all the info. I hope you realise you will have to rehome that pleco as he will grow too big for the tank - and will probably destroy the landscape if it isn't foing so already. Not that it means to but every time it flicks a tail it will uproot something :roll:
  4. Alan can't use his marbles cos he lost them :lol: :lol: 8) (Sorry Alan, couldn't resist)
  5. Every time a coconut you can guarantee after I have finished printing, I pick up minor (well, hopefully they are always minor) errors in the damn thing! :evil: While zipping through it this morning looking for something in particular, I picked up 3 errors (one wasn't mine but I should have picked it up anyway). How come I didn't pick them up in the proof readings??? :evil:
  6. You are kidding aren't you wok! I only posted them this morning!
  7. Caryl

    hi! I'm new!

    Hi and welcome. I would get a bigger tank if possible. The bigger the better. You will have a bigger choice of possible fish to choose from and a bigger tank is much easier to look after. If you have a suitable piece of furniture already, get a tank made from a glazier as it is lots cheaper than buying the ones at lfs. Stands can also be made of other materials like cinder blocks, although not as flash.
  8. Caryl

    Buying Malawis?

    Check the for sale section in here as I believe there are some for sale there.
  9. I hope you aren't disappointed when it finally arrives! :oops:
  10. All posted! (except Marlborough and Nelson who will be given theirs personally and save the FNZAS postage )
  11. Thanks Cees. I forgot to explain to Dixon about the subscription option. Hi ho hi ho it's off to the PO I go... :bounce:
  12. So is it being recognised as a true qualification by pet shops etc?
  13. Thank you all. I am getting info back against the aforementioned Certificate in Companion Animal Services. Anyone done this course? What did you think of it?
  14. I got several barrels many years ago (hold about 30L and have good solid handles plus the lids are leakproof) from Resene ($10 each). They were used to bring paint powder in from Italy. I just rinsed them out and they have been used now by many of our club members over the years with no problems.
  15. The Shark models seem to go on special a lot at Animates. That's when I tend to buy them.
  16. OK, after spending 6 hours yesterday stapling individual membership cards to Year Books :roll: the said YBs and AWs are ready to be posted first thing Monday morning. (All except Tasman as I will be giving them to you at the next meeting Aug 19th - Sunday lunch up Waihopai Valley. This will save a lot of postage ) August edition: Find out how to collect live food Read about the successful breeding of silver carp Koura - the new pet on the block CONFERENCE REPORT - AND PHOTOS Basic marine tips A Begiiners Guide to water changes NATIONAL FISH SHOW information and ENTRY FORMS Plant propagation Learn about silver arowanas Water hardness Registered breedings but wait - there's more! How to get qualifications in the pet industry - Certificate in Companion Animal Services - which includes "Aquatics" and "Advanced Aquatics". It is a properly approved distance learning qualification offered by NMIT (Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology) via their Warkworth subsidiary Mahurangi Technical Institute and is open to everyone over 16 who is a NZ citizen or legal resident. Members of FNZAS affilfated societies are offered a FULL SCHOLARSHIP for all but the Advanced Aquatics module. All this and more in the August Aquarium World!! :bounce:
  17. But a 204 is an external filter isn't it? IOU1 wants an internal. I have several Shark filters and find they work well. All internals ought to be soundless if you site them well.
  18. Tauranga? I thought you wanted an Auckland Club? Western Bay of Plenty Aquarium and Pond Society meet in members' homes the last Saturday of the month at 3pm. For more information contact evilknievel69 or sharn in here.
  19. That dog looks guilty. It didn't attempt to mark its territory did it? :lol:
  20. You will save a lot of money not using the chemicals
  21. And please, never medicate a tank on an asumption. Find out what is wrong first before adding chemicals (or anything else). Give him time to settle 8)
  22. Yes you need a permit these days. We used to have them but when the law changed we released ours.
  23. If you have fish that like to nibble live plants you will find the uplift continually being clogged by plant debris. Java fern is a bugger for getting sucked up too.
  24. Black muck you can scrub off sounds like it may be a rotten bit. Can you cut that bit off and make sure it is at the back or has a plant in front to hide the cut? If you have flakey bits of wood drifting around there is definitely a rotten bit of log somewhere.
  25. That last green thing looks like a siphon tube with the net missing (from the wide round open bit). You would connect it via an air hose to a pump and it would suck up the waste. Never did a very good job in my experience.
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