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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I knew you would see this Ira :lol: As pointed out, pregnant can also mean full - as in a pregnant pause.
  2. So what is the word for one full of eggs? Gravid refers to pregnancy. Ovid? Eggspectant? There probably is a correct term but my mind has gone blank :roll:
  3. Have they always been huge? You didn't buy balloon mollies did you? Otherwise, might be pregnant. What sex are they?
  4. I doubt the male is pregnant either :lol:
  5. I'm sure there are many in here willing and able to donate various bits of equipment, fish or plants. I will PM you details for a local man involved in the Taranaki Aquarium and Pond Society. They don't have meetings at the moment but will know who to contact locally (and possibly have stuff to donate as well).
  6. It can be 4 - 6 weeks.
  7. If you don't hear back from him, let me know.
  8. Here are some guttering ones that will sit on a sheet of glass I don't know why wood was used on the ends as I would buy end caps and cut a gap for the cord to fit. Longer ones have a light at each end Note the tinfoil used to reflect more light downwards
  9. This forum, plus HBAS members (if you join), are great places for cheap fish and plants. I much prefer live to plastic and the tank will be easier to look after in my opinion (sorry, I guess I should have said IMO 8) ) as they help the tank keep a nice nutrient (not sure if that is the right word) balance. I would go for a shoaling species like the barbs, rummy nose tetras, harlequins, rasboras etc. They are always on the move. Lighting need not be expensive either. Basic fluorescents will do the job
  10. Guppies are commonly kept outside over summer in warmer areas. My ponds outside are warmer than the tanks inside in summer. Pond raised fish will be bigger and more colourful (my barbs certainly were)
  11. Mine just sit on a glass lid under a plain reflector. You can also use the plastic guttering.
  12. On my 4ft tank I have 2 lots of "bright white" or "daylight" tubes (the name depends on the brand) and they work well. They are the common ones you buy from wholesalers.
  13. No idea gills as I have never used CO2 :-?
  14. You can visit if you like, or I can leave the plants at AMAZONIAN's, whichever you prefer
  15. I cood do that 4 u BK cos my speling is exsilint 8) I am still laughing at the Ministry of conversation mentioned further up :lol:
  16. No he didn't say that jn. He said they are OK at slightly lower temperatures
  17. Cookie extreme made a sensible suggestion yarimochi and wasn't insulting you. Marine keeping is complex and there are many "experts" out there who often disagree with each other on the way to do things. A good basic book is a great way to start. I have here The Tropical Marine Fish Survival Manual by Gordon Kay and Nick Dakin. I recently lent it to a new member of my club who had bought a marine tank but was confused by all the conflicting information online. She found it extremely helpful, easy to understand, and she now has 2 marine tanks and, so far, has not lost a single fish, coral or other critter over the months she has had them.
  18. The Aquarium Wolrd magazine (which will be out in the next couple of weeks) has an article on water hardness. It talks about hardness, general hardness, carbonate hardness, temporary hardness, how to determine dH, and how to soften hard rain water. Generally speaking, most town water supplies are fine for both hardness and pH (there are a few exceptions) so it isn't something you need to worry about.
  19. Welcome DKC. Our webmaster is Dutch too (as is another member, scalare). I come from the old wild west - of the South Island, NZ that is
  20. Go to the lfs and find one that says it is for fungus. Follow the instructions on the bottle. better to isolate the neon and treat it on its own.
  21. No filter likes rough stuff like sand going through them.
  22. Sounds like it has a small injury which has developed a secondary fungal infection. Treat with an anti fungal med.
  23. Funny you should say that wilson as they bought some rams last weekend but have them in a separate tank at the moment.
  24. I thought giraffes were supposed to have longer necks? 8) :roll:
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