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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. As long as the shop knows they are going to be bagged for several hours you should be right. If they know that they should put less fish per bag for you. We regularly bring fish up from ChCh with no deaths so far (you must drive slow and stop a lot as we do the trip in under 4 hours, inc comfort and food stops). We have brought them from further afield and had them bagged for up to 2 days without problems too for that matter.
  2. Yep. The barbs spawn but eggs get eaten. Only had 1 fry survive. If I want to breed them I throw them outside in a pond (not with the goldfish)
  3. They are just in my 4ft community so have umm pearl gouramis, bristlenoses, giant danio, hengeli rasboras, rummy nose tetras, golden and odessa barbs.
  4. Still just playing around 8) Become a mum again? Heaven forbid!!!
  5. Where are you buying them from, Dunedin?
  6. Must be a guy thing :lol:
  7. Did you ever do water tests? Whitespot is 99% due to poor, or wrong, water conditions.
  8. Caryl


    Love it! :lol: My fish were obviously away when the food etiquette lessons were held as it is every fish for him(her)self.
  9. Caryl

    A Pond

    Go to farm supply stores and get the stuff farmers use in dams. A lot cheaper than the "proper" pond lining. Do they have any farm supply stores in or around Auckland? :lol:
  10. If you are just running tropicals in a well insulated home the power bills don't alter much. We used to have 18 tanks running and our power bills were never particularly high.
  11. Grant didn't want to be seen as a sex object 8)
  12. Whether a snake is venomous or not has nothing to do with why they are banned. It is to protect our native birds and animals.
  13. I suggest you post a question on there asking if it is the one I mentioned and, if so, did they realise it is a pest plant and illegal to sell?
  14. Here's me with the filter in the pond. Gives you a better idea of size and depth... 8) and the fish were interested. Counted over 30 of them
  15. It is the yellow flag iris that is an invasive weed. Iris pseudacorus. Are you referring to the 6 being sold from Westport?
  16. Why don't you get a "fish expert" from here to come in as a customer and point out their concerns?
  17. Caryl

    A Pond

    Watch out for overhanging deciduous trees, or underground tree root systems (not to mention drains etc) Try to build in a place with at least partial sun. Full sun will have it go green very quickly. Full shade is good and you can plant using ferns. Check allowable depths with council. Over certain depth needs to be fenced. Deeper is better as it stays cooler longer.
  18. What I meant was I could send Tim the programme to crack the password if required
  19. Look down on her from above. If she is sticking out a lot more on one side than the other it's eggs.
  20. Ah thanks for that Tim. I sent instructions but said she might have problems if he had passworded the computer. Good to know you will help her directly. 8) You need a programme to crack the password?
  21. Perhaps he has exhausted himself already
  22. Hard to tell as those fish are supposed to be really fat :lol:
  23. She was going to post here as she asked me how to do so. Since she hasn't I guess she couldn't figure it out Keep meaning to ring her to see but have been so busy...
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