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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Are you asking us for suggested measurements or did you forget to add them? :-? If the area gets full sun most of the day you will have problems with algae, unless you are able to shade it in some way. Remember the shallower it is, the warmer the water will get in summer. Moving water is better than still, less algae. Any lfs can sell you a suitable pump and filter (often they are all-in-one jobs) to run the fountain. If you plan to add a water lily or two make sure they are at the opposite end to your fountain as they dislike having water splashing them all the time. Water lilies are good for surface cover. Plant lots of plants in it too. It will help the biological cycle and give the fish plenty of hiding places so they will feel more secure. Makes it harder for cats etc to go fishing too! Having never made, or seen, a tiled pond I can't help you there sorry. I assume you are going to seal it with something.
  2. Double bagged in your hand luggage and nobody need know
  3. I doubt you will get it matched with touch up stuff as a car that age would have faded considerably A friend just had her whole car repainted. I think it cost her $3,000 (probably as much as the car is worth :lol: :roll: ) but she is very happy with it and it looks great.
  4. How should I know? I'm not a daphnia :lol: We live near a river though (although I think it is dry at the moment) and have strong norwest winds
  5. I put a container of water outside and the daphnia find it and breed all by themselves. Never had to buy a culture
  6. Hi, am happy to meet you. We do not have any dedicated fish shops here, just a garden centre with a few tanks. 4 tanks is normal, not a sign of MTS :lol: Only fish I have spare at the moment is some bristlenose fry. One of our members has bred Celestial pearl danios and swordtails recently but I don't know if he has any for sale.
  7. Caryl

    New pond

    The preformed ponds all used to be made of fibreglass before the fancy plastics became more popular (and, I assume, cheaper). Do you mean you want to have one made or buy a ready-made? Remember the restrictions for depth otherwise your council may demand you fence it. I believe 18", 45cm, is the limit. In some ponds this means they get too hot in summer as they are so shallow so better to have them positioned out of full sun, or covered.
  8. No need to "start" a Taranaki club Muzz as it is already there - albeit in recess. All they need is new blood to re-enthuse them and they will be up and running again I am sure. :bounce:
  9. I think he has a big tank there that would be worth seeing all by itself - let alone the rest of the place
  10. Sounds like you are going to have to start vege gardening too Zach! Not sure whether 7 chooks are enough to help the compost. Perhaps you need more :lol:
  11. and it still tastes fine I am not averse to licking the chocolate off the container :roll:
  12. Chook poo is too strong for some plants though isn't it? I remember when our local scout group used to fundraise by cleaning out the poo from the local chicken farm and selling it in large bags. It was very popular (but not with the boys who had done the shovelling :lol: )
  13. Good to hear you found them Amazonian. Were they particularly colourful could you tell? I know the wild mollies are not. I never thought of Norfolk Island as a particularly warm place (not that I think about it much at all :roll: ) and am surprised to hear they have the fish growing wild. I assume the originals came from someone's aquarium?
  14. I too would go for whatever one you liked the look of best. I don't actually like any of the tank and stand units you can buy these days as they all look cheap and nasty to me :-? I prefer to get a tank made at the glaziers then have someone make a stand - preferably a nice solid rimu, or similar, one.
  15. Then send something that won't go off! :roll: Chocolate keeps well
  16. Nelson suburb on the way to Richmond - very near where we were at conference. Just send the banana caramel thingies and we will add our own cream
  17. Friday 20th, 7.30pm, Stoke Hall, Main Rd Stoke All welcome Discussion will be on fish diseases and how to prevent/treat them. Anyone from Blenheim needing a ride let me know ASAP.
  18. Sorry to hear that whetu. It might be minor in the grand scheme of things but still upsetting and still means you have to pay for the repairs :evil:
  19. I think so. I have never tried it mind you. Some meds aren't safe for some species but BNs aren't one of them I don't think.
  20. It only seems to be one person who is losing fish (apart from go4itgirl's couple of older ones) so I suspect something in his tanks, rather than something with the fish themselves. My BNs don't seem to like higher temps. What else does he have in the tank? Any ornaments or things that may be toxic and the fish are grazing on? Does he have any other bottom dwellers? He may have a problem in his substrate.
  21. Caryl

    Mosquito Larvae

    Leave a container of water outside. As it ages, mozzies will find it
  22. Mods name are also in green or orange. Look at the bottom of the forum index page as it tells you what the different name colours mean.
  23. Thank you all for attempting to ruin my post :evil: If you have a relevant comment to make regarding these falcons then feel free, if not, kindly keep your thoughts, and your spelling corrections, to yourself.
  24. Not surprising - it is a very addictive hobby :lol: Can you black list a white frog? :-?
  25. I am sure they will slowly get used to you and end up coming up to be fed.
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