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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. PS; I don't watch Coronation St or sport either, or any of the other soaps. Much prefer a good book. Last time I saw Coro St Ena Sharples had just found Miniie dead in t'snug :roll:
  2. Caryl

    Red Worms

    I think you will find the Eisenia fetida, at least, are commonly called tiger worms. The next Aquarium World has an article by Stuart Lord regarding composting habits and the feeding of these worms to fish. If you would like to do an article on what you are up to there bilbo it would be much appreciated.
  3. Morons raving on about cars? What is good about that? :roll: I recognise minis and VWs and that is about it :-?
  4. I am subjected to endless repeats of Top Gear :roll:
  5. My mother (72) still talks about the day her mother's pressure cooker exploded and spaghetti stuff went everywhere, floors, ceiling etc! :lol:
  6. No, I think you are referring to a pressure cooker. Crockpots used to me made of ceramic. They are now a ceramic bowl inside a stainless steel exterior. These just have an ordinary lid. Meat is cooked on slow for 6 - 8 hours or on high for about 4 depending on amount of meat, and thickness.
  7. Get a crockpot (slow cooker). These are great, particularly in winter, for slow cooking cheaper, tougher, cuts of meat. By the time they have been in the cooker they are melt in your mouth soft and easy to eat. Slow cookers are also good for making soups. Soups are easy to do and very good for you. Also filling.
  8. Guppies should live at least 5 years. To photograph fast fish you need a good camera speed, a tripod, and a LOT of light in the tank. Try putting the fish in a small clear container where it can't swim away.
  9. The females can store sperm for many months and produce fry without further male "help" for the same time. The dad may not be any of the males she is with currently
  10. You have an odd mix of fish there. Angels, for instance, like an acidic tank whereas the electric yellows are African cichlids that prefer very alkaline water. They should not be together. The plec will tend to uproot plants when it moves :roll:
  11. Platies are almost as bad as guppies. If it is female it is probably pregnant :lol: They can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks. When due they are very fat and you can see the black spot you noticed. On pale fish you can sometimes see the eyes of the fry through the body.
  12. Hi and welcome. It would be good if you put your location in your profile.
  13. MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome A disease with no known cure but can be controlled by purchasing more and more tanks to house those "must have" fishes
  14. But how do you clean the filter (and what sort is it?)? I am wondering if you are wiping out most of the colonised good bacteria in the filter so the tank keeps going through a mini cycle each time. Canister filters should have the sponges lightly rinsed in old tank water, although I imagine your tap water supply is fine there, a similar temperature to the tank. I give alternate baskets of noodles a quick rinse so not all are changed at once and rotate their order as I replace them so all noodle baskets slowly rotate through the filter.
  15. Caryl


    It will not discolour the bath :lol: Some fish love the colour, angels particularly.
  16. Welcome. I find visiting kids love watchng the fish and it was great for getting fretful babies to sleep. Park them in their cot or pram in front of the tank and they would soon stop crying and fall asleep 8)
  17. Give them time to settle in. They won't like the new surroundings. The other fish would have helped them feel secure too so having been moved, and lost their usual companions, they will be a bit unsure for a few days.
  18. That is a lot of fish for that tank! What was the water tested for and what were the exact results? pH, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia in particular. Have you got a photo of the tank? That sometimes helps as we may see something. The fish you have lost so far are more sensitive to poor, or incorrect, water conditions. How do you clean the filter?
  19. Fish will try a wiode variety of fruit and vegetables. Try them and see. No reason why they can't have dried fruit. They might prefer it if they were soaked for a few minutes first though.
  20. Been buying baked beans again wok? :lol: We are supopsed to get a lot of rain and cold weather which is bad 'cos we have our cancer Relay For Life this weekend. Methinks I will need to take thick woolly socks and raincoat as well as umbrella etc. Am at the relay all night :roll:
  21. Ring your council, they can tell you.
  22. Hmm let's see, you don't mind keeping dead animal parts in your fridge but seem to have a problem with live worms? :lol:
  23. PS. Your one sentence at a time idea could be interesting caserole, but time consuming :lol: Thanks for the tiger worms article too
  24. No deadline, particularly at the moment as I am heading overseas. If it misses one magazine it can go in the next! Magazines go out in Feb, May, Aug and Nov and the cut-off dates are supposed to be Dec 31 (for Feb), March 31st (for May), June 30th (for Aug) and Sept 30th (for Nov) I actually have the May magazine finished and ready to print. The house sitters will get them to NZ Post in the first week of May for me (as I will be somewhere near Inverness at that time and the bag is too heavy for me to take with me - and postage too dear!). The August magazine is due a couple of weeks after I return so I would like to get as much of it done before I go as possible so all articles are gratefully received ASAP (or whenever) I would really love it if more of you wrote articles. You don't have to be a great speller or know your grammar as that is what an editor is for. Members like to read about what others have done in their tanks. In this case, it could be an article on what happened when you fed slaters to your fish, with accompanying clear, sharp, pics if possible. It could also include what the fish had been fed before, whether they ate other live foods or not, where you got the live food from etc. Many will read it and think "Hmmm, I never thought of feeding slaters to the fish, we have heaps of them in the shed. I will give it a go!" Sometimes a good article can be about something you did that went wrong, or didn't work. It can be just as helpful, if not more so, than if things had gone right. An explanation of what went wrong, and why, and what you would do differently next time can be very informative. The magazine is BY hobbyists, FOR hobbyists. :bounce: Anyone who writes an article, but is not an FNZAS member (ie, does not belong to an affiliated club) gets a free copy of the magazine in which their article is published My email is caryl at simtronics dot co dot nz 8) If you have photos, please send them full size as I often have to crop or resize when I get them so starting with the full size means less quality loss. I have broadband.
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