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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Craigd you can add your location to your profile by going into the user control panel at the top right of the page.
  2. I don't know what it is but it doesn't look like stargrass to me :-?
  3. I think you are right billaney. Tanks would have too great a temp swing.
  4. Ah but did adodge's husband wake up in time to join the ride for her to go pillion or was she on her scooter?
  5. Good to hear someone at least has had success :roll: The goldfish have bred well. I counted 27 fry the other day as they are now all big enough to safely swim and feed with the adults. I am sure there are plenty more but the majority are still bronze and very hard to see. At least 3 I saw are changing to gold and I hope the rest do too. I only had one bronze fish in the pond and I would hate to think he was the only male who managed to fertilise all the eggs! :lol: I am not sure what age the average goldfish fry is when it changes colour but I understand later is better as they are more likely to hold the colour change.
  6. Welcome. Read up on tank cycling, that should help a lot.
  7. Welcome to the forum. How about a bit more information about your tanks? Or pics if you have them
  8. It changes all the time. There is a difference between what is allowed and what is available. "Current" depends on what the importers have brought in recently. Some fish that are allowed, and used to be everywhere, are now very hard to find. This will get worse as more fish are banned as imports and less people breed what they have.
  9. I don't think so Alan but he does have a scratching post. Not quite the same I am sure. :lol:
  10. That's just it wok, he isn't! That is why he has a mobility scooter. He can't even walk very far without having an angina attack! How he didn't have a heart attack as a result we'll never know :roll: Mum had to take him up to the hospital this afternoon to get checked (and fill out the ACC forms). He now has butterfly bandages holding the cut closed and been told to stop trying to climb in windows :lol: Mum is really worried about leaving him when we are overseas. We have told him that if he dies while we are away (which would ruin mum's 'trip of a lifetime', we will kill him! :evil: ) :lol:
  11. You don't have to have a filter, they are a relatively new invention, but with that bioload you would need daily water changes. Filter-free tanks succeed because they are heavily planted with very low stocking levels. The silver dollars mean you would not be heavily planted for long! :roll:
  12. Which name? Denny Crane or Pickles? She is a fan of Boston Legal and said the Birman had the same attitude as Denny. :lol:
  13. The last pic shows his arm wet & bleeding as mum had just soaked the bandage off and was taking him up to A&E to be checked out - at my insistence. For those wondering, the thin scar running the length of his leg is from when they stripped his legs for spare veins to use in the bypasses. He had both arms and legs stripped and even then they couldn't find enough good vein to do all the blocked areas :roll:
  14. I would like to mention first, my dad is 76, gets about on a mobility scooter, has had multiple bypass surgery and heart valve replacement and, just before Christmas, almost died when his gall bladder ruptured. He is also on Warfarin, a blood thinning agent used by heart patients :roll: Anyway, he and mum went to town the other day, he scoootered and she walked. They met my sister and I for some shopping then I went home while Mary and mum decided to have lunch in town. Dad scootered home. Once home he realised he had forgotten his keys. He could have gone to any of the neighbours (he knows them all) and asked to wait there until mum came home (she wasn't going to be long) but no, he broke into the garage and got the ladder out. He then climbed up the ladder and through the small, high, bedroom window. Going through he caught his arm on the window catch, ripping his arm badly and causing a severe bleed (result of the Warfarin). From there he fell in the other side and hit the corner of the small table on the way down, damaging his leg. Apparently, as he fell, he thought to himself "I'm not as supple as I used to be." :roll: Here is the result (apart from the fact that today he can barely move and feels quite sick... and We asked him what he thought he was going to do once he got into the window and he replied that he hadn't actually thought that far ahead! :-? And he wonders why we won't leave him alone while we go overseas :lol: :roll:
  15. My daughter has just moved house. Do these cats look stressed by their new environment? :lol: Denny Crane - the Birman. Curled up in the hall beside the toilet. Coolest place in the house we think... and Pickles - the bitzer from the SPCA...
  16. My fry were always dumb enough to swim back up through the gap on the plastic things :roll: The nets help save the fry and allow them to grow a little away from the rest of the tank inhabitants. Put a good handful of Java moss in it for the fry to hide from mum. Warning: Angels (and probably other fish) are very good at sucking fry right through netting! :evil:
  17. They are a schooling fish but mine didn't either in the true 'follow each other everywhere' fashion - they did chase each other a lot though and no damage was ever done to each other :-? I suspect they only school in very large numbers. They do colour up better if they are in a larger group but then I had one lone male at one point who was the brightest red you could imagine. :roll: I don't think they look right as just a pair as they are too small. Either keep the group as is, if they appear happy, or increase the numbers. Have vinson massif said, males are brighter.
  18. Well, I emptied the pools today. The weather this year has been so weird. Usually those pools would have sat at 27C+ during the day, dropping to no less than 18C overnight, usually 22C or so. This year they have gone as low as 10C, possibly lower, overnight with day temps only around 17C - 22C :-? The day time temps have swung wildly and I think the hottest the pools got was about 27C, for a very short period of time. Usually they were around 18 - 22C I had seen plenty of spawning activity but no sign of fry at all. Not sure whether the fry died in the cold or whether it was too cold to produce eggs in the first place. I suspect the former. Having emptied both pools I recovered 8 odessa barbs and 9 golden barbs. I can't find the bit of paper on which I wrote the number originally added but I think that was it so, although I got no fry out of the effort this year, I didn't lose any of the adults either, much to my surprise. Might give it a go again next year. I have had great success in previous years, just not this year :roll:
  19. Caryl

    Baby BN

    They can damage delicate leaves with their rasping but the majority are fine.
  20. It is possible it is a secondary infection on a small wound. It is also possible, if you keep the water as clean as you can, that it will get better without drugs.
  21. I seem to remember years ago (when I was a teen - many many years ago) seeing a photo of a footboard (I think it was Burt Reynold's) that was almost floor to ceiling and a fish tank. I wondered how it was cleaned. Makes more sense to me than a headboard. After all, you can't lie in bed and watch the fish if they are behind you :roll:
  22. Caryl

    Red Worms

    That is what Stu's article is about. Many fishkeepers claim that tiger worms are unsuitable to feed to fish as they appear "bitter" to the taste. Stu found this was not necessarily so
  23. That reminds me of an alcoholic claiming he/she can stop any time they want to :lol:
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