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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Mummy might be happier if she discovers fish are great pacifiers and often stop babies crying if you park them in front of the tank where they can see the inhabitants
  2. An expensive option I would have thought, unless he owns the crane.
  3. I was about to comment but remembered we are a family forum and I, as Global Mod, am supposed to set an example :oops: :lol:
  4. The only reference I have seen in regards to a black area on a fish (as opposed to a whole fish turning black when stressed) is cancer Someone else may have other thoughts and some helpful advice though
  5. It refers to counting the spawn, not watching the parents actually spawn.
  6. Those self-employed of us who work from home can spend as much time in here as we like Mind you, when I am at "work" work I can get in here too. The other day the Dr wanted to dicate a letter and I had to say "Hang on a minute, my Trademe auction is about to come up!" :lol: So, while he waited, he went and made me a cup of tea. He is a sweetie to work for :bounce:
  7. Perhaps the acaras do too :lol:
  8. Great idea Stella! I can never find my car in the car park either as they all look the same to me :-? I think it needs a large fish on the bonnet too.
  9. Eheim are certainly good quality but also more expensive than the rest. I have only had one Eheim and had such a negative time with it I would never buy another but I am in the minority. Also used Fluvals over the years but find them not as easy to pull apart for maintenance as others. Mine also clogged a lot (barbs nibbling off lots of leaf bits which got up the pipes) AquaClear I have used for years and find they go well. Not as good as an external filter though as they don't hold as much media. My favourite at the moment is Jebo (not to be confused with Jebao or something). I have had mine almost 3 years now and it is great. I clean it out once a year and it is going strong. Can't say how it will go long term as I haven't had it long enough. Angelfish will be happy with any plants but will lay on wide leafed plants. Angels will go with most fast, short finned community fish like barbs, rasboras, tetras etc and larger fish like cichlids or gouramis.
  10. Caryl


    Welcome Fushy and son. A 3ft is a good size to start with. Good luck as you build up your stock.
  11. Ouch! Mine were 8lb and 8lb 2oz and they were bad enough :-?
  12. Caryl

    L200 shot

    Looks like it is smiling for the camera too :lol:
  13. great pics! If you have gone green Phoenix44 perhaps your Dr will prescribe some Erythromycin
  14. It looks great just as it is. You can still see the log
  15. My two requirements for a mobile phone is that it be big enough so I can find it and the screen big enough so I can read it! :lol:
  16. Congratulations. 8lb b? How much does a b weigh? Thanks for using pounds though as I have no idea how big a baby is if I am told it is 3628g :roll: Only waking once was probably a one off. He is psyching you up for the rest :lol:
  17. He is speaking in Blenheim tomorrow night on his way north so anyone wanting to attend here is most welcome. Those able to attend the Wellington talk I highly recommend you do so! I assume you have a data projector for this suphew? If not, we can help there
  18. Caryl

    ... What the?

    Like Ira, I do a double dose (but 3 days apart) siphoning out any dead stuff in between.
  19. From memory ours cost $15,000 (but that included landscaping the whole front yard, installing an automatic sprinkler system, and replacing the verandah that runs the full length of the house and has 2 levels :roll: )
  20. It is good to see so many clubs holding tank crawls recently and having them attended by other clubs. Keep up the good work people! :bounce: It is a great way to meet fellow fish keepers, see other aquariums and ponds, see fish you may not have seen before, get a chance to swap or buy fish or plants etc and get ideas for your own aquascaping. I have never attended a tank crawl where I did not enjoy myself and find plenty of interest.
  21. What a shame Jim, you would have enjoyed it If it is just a lack of data projector I might be able to help there. Peter is talking at our place tomorrow night so anyone who wishes to attend is most welcome. 7.30pm, 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim.
  22. Blair you have GOT to go and see Stella's fish. You will not think natives are dull or boring after that. They look unassuming at first, sure, but they catch the light beautifully in subtle ways.
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