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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I too especially liked the dolphins and the "fish eye" 8) I wonder if Grant will come home with some good work photos today. He has a half hour chopper flight up the Marlborough Sounds today to reach the Vodafone site he is heading for.
  2. "Given that we have just purchased and had a new spa pool installed..." Great! Which fish are going in the spa? :bounce:
  3. I understand why people drink alcohol, but what is the reasoning behind setting fire to it? :-?
  4. They are not birds at all. They are juvenile dust bunnies Or something has got a bad case of fungus
  5. My opinion is you shouldn't have required 3 visits before you bought them
  6. It is a matter of luck. Just chuck her in. If you are using Brry White it might help to add a few candles as well
  7. Caryl


    I have used that sort of rock with no problems. I always put the rocks in first then add the substrate so no fish burrow underneath and topple the rocks. I think any type of vinegar works, doesn't have to be white.
  8. Caryl

    PH ??????

    pH Up will only alter the pH temporarily and cause more problems as the pH will swing back and forth. I suspect the problem is waste being produced by the plec. What size is it? I assume you mean a common plec. Do you have any readings for the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? I wonder if, as the plec has grown, the amount of waste it is producing is lowering the pH. I have found this happen in the past with big fish. Your tank is not big enough for a full grown plec either I am afraid. Never heard of gravel losing its mineral content and affecting the pH as it ages :-?
  9. Is this your first guppy spawn? Congratulations :bounce:
  10. Caryl

    beach sand

    I know of people who have used our local beach sand. You have to get it from high above the tide line though as it has a lot of shell in it, which alters the pH. This may not be the case at your local beach.
  11. Go find the previous threads with reports from previous molly hunts. I am sure there was a map there somewhere, or specific directions. It is just out of Turangi on the side of the main road.
  12. Caryl


    I agree Ira! :lol: I have used some like that in my tanks with no problems at all. Avoid limestone as it will rasie the pH. Most rocks found here are inert and fine to use. Slate, greywake and schist are all good and the most common (I think). We used to have a member who also belonged to the local Rock and Mineral Club and she was handy to ask about the different sorts and where to find them but, sadly, she died a few years ago.
  13. Congratulations Eben. Now for the hard part - actually raising the fry and keeping them alive Good luck!
  14. Caryl


    I agree. No need to soak. Just give them a quick scrub if they have something stuck to them.
  15. We hear all plus we have eyes in the back of our heads - we see and hear all!
  16. I think it is great kiwis have two good sites to go to (possibly 3 assuming the marine one is still going) for fish keeping help and discussion. The only reasons I have not joined the others are because I already Mod on 2 fish forums and do not have the time to go to others and I don't keep marines so have no interest in a marine only site. Hobby groups, particularly involving animals, seem to bring out the worst in people :-? I must admit I, personally, have never thought of the FNZAS site as "the official site for fishkeeping in NZ". That never occurred to me. We are the official site for the FNZAS though! 8) Discussion on different perspectives and disagreement is fine, if it is kept reasonable and respectful. At this point I would like to say I disagree with those who think programmes like Home and Away and Shortland St are worth watching!!! :lol: PS Good boy KP! :lol:
  17. The guy who usually plans these has a lot on his plate at the moment so someone else will have to step forward and volunteer!
  18. Have to make a husband feel useful though
  19. They are for anyone who wants to go. The land was for sale last time we were there. Don't know if it has been sold yet and we may not be able to go there any more. There was talk of draining the swamp at one point but I don't know how serious that was.
  20. What is meaningless to some is exciting and a challenge to others. Just because it does not interest you does not mean it does not interest others. (I think about those who endlessly discuss plots etc of soaps and other TV shows. I didn't realise people took these things seriously!) :roll:
  21. How dark? I get my gravel in ChCh (usually at Redwoods) and get the dark brown stuff. I am told it is a local stone too. Not sure it is what you would call "fine" though.
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