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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. No wonder you are excited! Great pics of beautiful fish. Look forward to fish and fry pics now
  2. Looks like the ones we have in that case. Not got around to finding something to make a trap with yet sorry.
  3. As long as it is alkaline I should think. I don't know, I have not kept snails.
  4. Hearing voices from adverts is worse! My other voices are calming and helpful
  5. Did anyone else get a little voice in their head saying "Can you say grippy?" :roll: :lol:
  6. I seem to remember someone saying they had a fish get caught under the cotton tying down some plant so it does happen occasionally
  7. I don't know if the snail killed him either but what is the pH in the tank? Snails need alkaline water or their shells go soft and they die.
  8. I bet there's lots but they see you coming :lol:
  9. Google for instructions on a bath in Epsom Salts. The fish may have permanently damaged the digestive system and never swim upright again but try the Salts.
  10. Possibly both. What other fish do you have and what sort of plants are being nibbled? All of them or selected species?
  11. I would have thought most plants would be "safe" in Papakura. You don't get that cold up there. Netting can be useful if you are troubled by cats or falling leaves. Best way to stop cats is to make sure the edging wobbles or rocks. They do not like it when the ground moves when they go to look in the water. I doubt water level makes a difference. A friend had trouble with a neighbour's cat who just dived in, swam about until it caught a fish (and these were huge!) then swam out with it :roll:
  12. We have had a great afternoon with about 26 turning up in the end. We were there about 2 hours and it was all very interesting. Have lots of pics to sort through but very hard to take photos when flashes are not allowed
  13. I don't think I have seen as much of mine as that! Good pic considering I know how hard they are to photograph 8)
  14. Stops it going mouldy underneath Ira. Will also smell if you leave it there and mark the new vinyl. We are supposed to clean things daily??? :lol:
  15. I like that smiley LA, had to go put my glasses on so I could see it properly though :roll: This might seem like a silly question insectkeeper but do you keep them because you like them or for feeding to other pets?
  16. Hmm I don't drink Coke (or other carbonated dronks that come in those bottles) or have any cat or dog food so it might take some time to get the parts for the trap and the bait to put in it. I will see what I can do.
  17. it would not have been funny if I had spelt it correctly! :roll:
  18. Your neighbours and the health inspectors will. (and it is the speling forum too )
  19. Yes. They always hide and zip out to grab a bite then zip back.
  20. It is not your being scared of them or not that I worry about. It is them escaping and infesting the neighbourhood!
  21. I believe mine are German (although it is hard to tell as I can't discern an accent :lol: ) What is the easiest way to catch them? They are zippy!
  22. I don't think you can bring seeds in without them being heat treated - which sterilises them. Someone else might actually know though
  23. Perhaps I will get a squeegy or squeegie or something. Since Grant usually gets out of the shower last, it will be his job to wipe it down. I have managed to train him to pick up the bath mat and hang it on the rail so I might be able to extend that training a little further.
  24. Hi and welcome. I hope none of your roachies ever escape :-?
  25. I have a new, all glass, shower. I suspect it is soon going to covered in water marks then as I can't be bothered cleaning it every time it is used. I was told if you don't use soap you don't have a problem. The body washes aren't soap so don't mark the same. Sounds like it is the stuff in the water though, not the soap. Or does the soap react with the calcium and make it worse? It has taken a lot of getting used to standing in a see-through shower cubicle (old shower had frosted glass). We had to position the mirror very carefully so we can't see ourselves in it from the shower, or when we step out to dry ourselves :lol:
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