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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I love reading the loading screens...whisking frog spawn etc :lol:
  2. I didn't realise we were called Mibbitians :lol:
  3. I would do as Ryan suggested, assuming you know what you are going to do with all the fry you have raised! Kribs sometimes move their fry too. They will defend them vigorously but it is 2 fish against many so they will only have partial success.
  4. Never thought of buying pure ammonia :oops:
  5. Containers of just tap water should not have ammonia in them. You need fish, snails or something to produce the ammonia first and the same number in each container.
  6. LA that is what I suspected was usually done. Thanks guys.
  7. I gather salties set their lights to come on slowly to simulate sunrise and sunset, rather than have them turn on suddenly and shocking the fish. Are there lights that can be set on dim, that slowly brighten, or do you just set individual lights on timers so the lights come on one at a time in sequence?
  8. Obviosly the plane uses these extra wings to help land on shorter runways
  9. Milford Sound is beautiful and they aren't called the Remarkables for nothing :lol:
  10. Stu Lord wrote an article about this subject in the Aug 09 Aquarium World magazine. He found that it depended on what the tiger worms had been feeding on that determined whether the fish would eat them or not.
  11. :lol: I am aware of the difference
  12. Hello. We have palaver and I missed it?
  13. I think you will find congos are happiest in a group and your tank isn't big enough for a good sized group. I am looking to getting some myself when I get my 6ft as I think they will look nice with torpedo barbs 8)
  14. I thought quite a few liked them. I think wok had one?
  15. Just did thanks Zev They aren't too bad. At least everyone is smiling and nobody has their eyes shut :lol:
  16. Hey you are the one who resorted to bribery! :lol:
  17. I don't remember seeing anything in the Constitution that prevents bribery 8) If they don't find her offerings delectable I wonder if they will demand their money back?
  18. I am waiting for the promised photos from zev and simian. Once I have them they, and mine & Grant's, will be put on a CD for you (and bdspider)
  19. How's this? No, it is not making a phone call but the phone is there to show the size - 30cm. Dad grew it and he and mum enjoyed eating it - it took them 3 meals to finish it 8)
  20. No :lol: Mine always swam back up again :roll: As said, have a small tank with lots of plants in it, especially ones like Indian fern, water sprite, ambulia, cabomba and Java moss. The fry can hide in there quite easily. Don't forget though if you save all these fry (which they will produce every 4 - 6 weeks) you have to have somewhere to put them. I have a 280L community, heavily planted. The odessa barbs often spawn (as do the bristlenoses) and I have at least 2 odessa fry swimming about that obviously survived. Both from different spawnings too judging by their size. Usually all the eggs would be eaten before hatching but obivously at least 2 made it to fryhood 8)
  21. Caryl

    sick Tetra

    They are a shoaling fish and prefer to be in a group of 6 or more. They will always fight amongst themselves for the top position but do not usually do any damage. It is also possible it was damaged while being caught. I don't know how long a bruise takes to come out in a fish :-?
  22. It does seem the most popular method that works best
  23. I am sure everyone will be patting each other on the back for a job well done! Relax, I will be unable to make this meeting :lol:
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