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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Could be live blood-worms i guess. My brother once fed his frog frozen blood-worms, the next day, about a quarter of them were swimming around in the water.
  2. You sure about this? 2 of my discus, both have peppering, but one has a lot more... I'm not 100% sure of the breeds though..
  3. I got this as well when I set up my new tank. Went away pretty quick. Don't worry about it imo.
  4. Back to the topic of freshwest's tank... Can anybody tell me the name of the light green plant on the bottom right of the picture? (the one that appears at the top of the screen... The "banner") The one directly infront of the cobalt discus... Thankyouuu..
  5. I know Its and old post, but, how much is it!! I really am starting to like plecos... Oh no! Also, I went to petworld, they had 1 royal whiptail... $50 I bought it anyway cos I have money, I'm stupid, and my priorities are wonky! :lol:
  6. And don't forget to let us know what happens!
  7. I think I know which one I want! Invite a cop friend around to sort them out! That is unless they are then forced to arrest them... But I'm sure cops have their fair share of weed experience...
  8. DennisP

    updates :)

    Looking good! :lol:
  9. I think he's talking about the blurry bits on the edge of the leaves (and on the roots), not the roots themselves. :lol:
  10. I'd say snails. Are they covered in a jelly like substance?
  11. No idea of what species, but we have lillypads/water lillys in ours... And another plant that grows tall, stem plant of some sort...
  12. And if they both say no...? :lol:
  13. Absolutely agree... :roll:
  14. disregard that answer.
  15. is this the RIGHT(left/right) door/chair?
  16. Just look one up! :lol: its cheating, but it fills in the time.
  17. Anyone know the approximate cost to send some congo fern? (about 15cm box) from chch to palmy? Need to know what to charge for P + P.
  18. sure are. lol. Right under your nose......
  19. I'll do one since I haven't yet! - Feel free to flame me... but anyway... what has keys but opens no doors, space but no room, and you can enter, but not go in?
  20. RAPE! How many years in fish prison + rehab does that get them?
  21. Can someone tell me how to bleach them? How long in the bucket? concentration etc etc Is it save for congo fern? cheers.
  22. The man has hanged himself. Before he did though, he forgot to go to the toilet. As he died, and his body relaxed, he... went for a number 1. The puddle of "water" is actually urine. AMIRITE?AMIRITE? no. :lol: (am I right)
  23. There is a difference. I believe the "flying fox" is far more lazy than the SAE. And it also doesn't eat the same algae. A real SAE, can be distinguished from a Flying Fox by its stripe. The flying fox has sharp/straight edges, whereas the SAE has a jagged edge, like shark teeth. Haven't look into this part, but I've read in a few cases that SAE's have a tan line above the black line. Also, in petshops, they are often wrongly labelled. So remember to check. HTH
  24. I believe he means a male external reproductive organ. Commonly know as a... -.- As for the riddle... This thread makes me feel stupid.
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