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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. I think you need to add a few amzon swords along the back, just for some greenery :lol:
  2. yeah it is better to remove the older fry
  3. wow david you have everything !drool: , and all your fish breed for you
  4. next time im down , can i buy some if you have any avalible
  5. wow, you changed it to tropheus nice
  6. thats what I'm doing,the only bad thing is the time it takes to get a qualifcation before you work in the feild
  7. Dam sorry to hear about your loss,hope you get some nice male dragons from his spawn
  8. ok any im off to bed now, sorry for taking over your thread adrienne
  9. um yeah i can , about 20mm ok , and yeah as i said before i pretty much have all the good drift wood, but ill have another look
  10. oh also do you want any bamboo i can get you as much as you want ? and wat size
  11. ok yeah so any shape you want , cause there is lots that are just straight peice of wood(maybe a little curve)
  12. josh wat are you looking for in drift wood (size) as i could go have a look , but i have all the good bits :happy2:
  13. im at the beach now josh, (my grandads bach)a and i have heaps of new drift wood
  14. but then you can get as many as a car could, i plan on doing a trip when i have my full all around the country and collecting fish :nilly:
  15. adrienne may i ask were you got all these red and platniums , also id be keen on some offspring of your ct
  16. ahhaha i dont go back till thursday :dunno: , but i am actualy realy excited to go back
  17. irc.nzdance.net: Closing Link: kc[ircip2.mibbit.com] (User has been banned from NZDance.Net (Session limit exceeded)) me to
  18. wow did that just happen to u as well?
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