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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. i have cories with the shadow gravel and aquatic mix under it , so thats why i would go for it(been running for 5 months no problems) and all corries still have there wiskers
  2. i would go for the shadow it looks more of a pebble rather than a chip
  3. i dont have one at the moment but i would like a 550d i saw one at the shops !drool:
  4. i am interested , just woundering what it cost you?
  5. mine are red turqs, good for beginners, and yeah i agree with adrienne dont buy stunted fish
  6. myfishybuisness

    Hey Sam!

    http://lh3.ggpht.com/_yb8FKQeVXhI/TS1t13vCGfI/AAAAAAAAAL0/netwk1X4F6s/s640/p1010089.jpg you cant see me
  7. woah :dunno: didnt expect to start one of those never ending threads
  8. wat type of discus are you wanting , cos i have some discus if your interested? that arent the realy expensive fancy ones great for a beginner
  9. just a question what was the most expensive fish you saw?
  10. i was very happy when i checked my results with 115 level one credits so how did evryone do in their exams
  11. Do it. Do it ( little voice in ur head)
  12. go on henward you desvere it , and at least we all no you will look after it
  13. :lol: just a little bigger than everyone elses ae :lol:
  14. lol that would be awsome , but you would never no if some one was angry at you
  15. ok so i went away for a week and left my mum in charge of the tank :facepalm: anyway i came home last night to find my pair of cockatoos dead and alot of un happy fish :an!gry , and in the fish shed 4 dead albino female guppies , a large male royal whiptail, a huge female bristle nose . so moral of the story is dnt let parent look after fish, anyway the planted tank has completely turned green and i am slowly bringing it back to an acceptable quality ( so not to stress the fish to much)
  16. oh there a thread now :roll: , sorry been away for a while just looked at recent posts :facepalm:
  17. yeah that would do nicely , and just drill some small holes in the lide for air to come in
  18. Yeah it's not the tank that smells it the defrosted bloodworms I feed my fish
  19. happens alot to me now with my planted tank :facepalm:
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