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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. i would say if they are new and un opened it should be ok, and heater? it would most likely get damaged
  2. woke up today , went out to my fish shed and bam my big checkboard (15-18cm)male discus is dead , he was part of a pair which were in a breeding tank, and yet he was fine the day before i.e swimming fin, breathing normal, no stress bars (temp is 84, p.h 6.6, and all other test came out 0) so can someone help me with what has happen because i have no idea
  3. yeah ive seen a tank over seas that had a green aro and a huge school of cardanials, it looked realy impressive
  4. anyone keen to come in now :happy1:
  5. oh by mine house in totara park, iuse to catch them there
  6. there will always be a runt of the tank , the best you could do is remove it ,but if you increase water changes to 4 times a week and feed plenty i dont see why it shouldnt grow
  7. is there any domininat ones e.g larger because it is believed that they will admit chemicals that will slow growth of others in the tank, so either increase water changes and feed more or seperate
  8. fut some filter wool or a sponge over the intake
  9. aww ok, well i would go to hollywood and ask them, and dont worry to much if they eat the babies because its there first time, and then next time you will be more prepared
  10. yes but you will have to hatch them and that take 48 hours, id go to hollywood and ask then what u could do in the meantime
  11. kribs were the frirst thing i ever breed, really characters :lol:
  12. ok well i might pay to start the brime shrimp now
  13. dont worry kribs are gret parents, feed the brime shrimp 1 day after they have hatched
  14. try some dwarf chain loaches ( i think they only grow small)
  15. how do you get in to chat room? :roll:
  16. yeah im with p44 , a diy co2 is cheaper and just as effective, also i would say he p44 knows wat hes talking about
  17. yeah its fine because it was already down and dying
  18. well soon i should have some severns so if they are small enough i could take them if you want
  19. my angels were like that ,now they nearly jump for the babie ( deformed ) guppies
  20. hi and welcome good to know that there is more young people out there, beside sam and josh
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