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Everything posted by amtiskaw

  1. My DCLs don't seem interested in snails at all
  2. Have you kept an eye on your pH since adding CO2?
  3. Yeah, just get the best price you can find, then ask locally - I got a good discount on my Eheim that way. I don't know why people don't haggle more. Even with a sizeable discount the shop's still making money from the sale.
  4. Why would the pilot still be on board 15 km from the last channel marker?
  5. Pilots only take them out of the harbour, Astrolabe's about 15 km from the Mount. Been diving and fishing there a few times - it's quite freaky seeing breaking waves out in the middle of nowhere... I hope there's no pollution :an!gry Edit: Found a channel/pilot guide here I went out on the tugs a few times a while back - my mate's dad was deputy harbour master - pretty scary at night in a big swell, but good fun too 8)
  6. Anyone playing Rage yet? I'm going to try it tonight :bounce:
  7. My get-going-in-the-morning track :bounce:
  8. Nice work, that looks great. Looking at the colour contrast with the doors off, I reckon it'd look nice with white doors - depending on what the room looks like... :dunno:
  9. I like the Zombieland rules - everything you need to know to survive the zombie apocalypse, but were too afraid to ask :slfg:
  10. Is that mosque on Bakalakadakah Street? Can you find out what "Derka derka" actually means? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wmw8UB4HCU&feature=related
  11. Depends, are we talking about the slow shuffling zombies or the fast running ones?
  12. How big is your tank? Seachem Excel is $126 for 2 litres, recommended dosing is 5ml per 200 liters per day. C02 is cheaper in the long run.
  13. "...massive earthquake and tsunami that God shall bring upon Christchurch" That's the thing with the internet, every nutjob now has a way to reach the masses :facepalm:
  14. Iain M Banks' Culture Series - My forum name's from one of the characters. Favs are: Consider Phlebas The Player of Games Use of Weapons Look to Windward Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead, Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep sea swell And the profit and loss. A current under sea Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell He passes the stages of his age and youth Entering the whirlpool. Gentile or Jew O you who turn the wheel and look windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
  15. What's your KH? If it's low then you will get more swings in pH.
  16. Human sympathiser!!! Mr Bigglesworth will be despatching a re-education squad shortly
  17. LMCB, you need to train your human better. Watch this video for ideas
  18. I'm the same - I find one or two empty MTS shells very now and then, but there's no other sign they are in my tank. My substrate is 5 cm of Sera Floraedepot covered with 5 cm of 4mm quartz. I don't have any snail eating fish.
  19. I was quite looking forward to that Animal Planet show Tanked (they built the headboard), but after watching some clips online, it looks like an aquarium version of Orange County Choppers
  20. I tried the first site. I thought I'd try the Threats button in the quick search area (seemed like an obvious place to start) and it came up with a list of animals, the first being Mynas. Clicking thru to that, under threats to plants it shows "Mynas prey on feral pigeon eggs and nestlings, Silver and Southern Black-backed or Kelp Gulls, and on those of the small native and introduced passerines." Seems a bit :smot: Ahh, I see - if you hover over Threats on the menu it shows a drop down for Exotic Plants, etc - maybe the quick search should differentiate too? Regardless, the info for the Myna's threats to plants doesn't mention any plants. Didn't go any further. The Dataversity site was no use at all, ditto for NIWA. I clicked about for a few minutes but couldn't find anything to help ID the plants. Dataversity seemed very dry and academic/organisational. NIWA was all over the place - poor structure in the layout. The Biosecurity site seemed the most useful. I clicked on Pests and Diseases on the main menu, then selected Plants on the left, then clicked the Pests and Diseases link, and selected marine and fresh water plants from the drop-down. Easily spotted the first plant (which I knew already) and had to click thru a couple to see bigger pictures to ID the second one (I think) - It'd be nice if a bigger pic came up when you hover over the small ones. On the info there, I'd say both are banned. Took about 2 minutes. Just my 2c worth, YMMV, etc...
  21. amtiskaw

    UV filter

    There's some interesting info on how UV effects redox here. The heavy-going full article is here Not sure if it applies to freshwater though... edit: apparently it does...
  22. You're still going to use the same amount of energy, just over a longer period of time. It works out the same :facepalm:
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