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Everything posted by amtiskaw

  1. I'm not worried about the cost of dechlor - it's pretty cheap when you don't have raging MTS - so I'm going to try adding the dechlor to the tank before topping up. Thanks for all the replies
  2. There's some good info on bloodworms here
  3. During water changes, is it safe to just add dechlorinator to a tank then fill up with tap water? :dunno: Up till now I've been filling a barrel, adding dechlorinator then pumping the water into the tank.
  4. It slices, it dices, yet it contains no chemicals? I mean, come on, water is a chemical. What's in it, rainbows and unicorn farts? Sounds like snake oil to me :roll: Edit: According to the foster and Smith site, "Easy-Life Fluid Filter Medium is a special blend of natural inorganic mineral compounds and contains no organic chemicals, enzymes or bacteria."
  5. It hasn't arrived yet, but it should look the same as this: http://s766.photobucket.com/albums/xx301/lmjusa/?action=view&current=Picture374.jpg Turface MVP is the one you want. You can buy a ton for about $550 US, (plus shipping, haha)
  6. I happened across a guy who was importing some to use for bonsai tree soil. If my trial works out I'll ask him how he sourced it, and we can sort out a group buy if anyone's keen
  7. Just an update. I've managed to get a shipment of Turface, which is a commercial calcined clay. $150 for 120 litres shipped! The same amount of Seachem Flourite would cost $1217 at NZ retail prices :happy2: It doesn't have baked-in ferts but it has a very high CEC rating, so it absorbs ferts from the water column and makes them available to root feeders.
  8. My full name comes out as: A Reconfirmed Shy Skin Hmm, someone undergoing reconstructive plastic surgery after giving up Judaism???
  9. Did you get my PM? Still keen to buy some DCS off you...
  10. Great photo, and he looks like a lovely dog
  11. I disagree. It might take a little while to find the right balance, but once you do there's bugger all to it. Just dose your ferts regularly and watch the plants go for it. Plus you'll virtually eliminate algae once the plants kick off - I haven't had to clean the glass in my tank for several months now :bounce: +1 to what Alan and Ira said - you'll need lights and ferts to go with it, and you'll get amazing plant growth. The downside? Having to prune all the time :roll:
  12. amtiskaw

    inspire me

    I've heard of salt water crocs, but salt water frogs? :nilly:
  13. amtiskaw

    inspire me

    I'm with Sophia on this one :lol:
  14. Spray it with soapy water and look for bubbles
  15. What is the temp range for a marine tank?
  16. I used to have a silver shark named Bruce, too 8) Welcome aboard
  17. Looking for an Xmas present for the beardie who has everything? How about a smartphone and a copy of Ant Crusher?
  18. Where are you going to buy it from? You can get a Galaxy S2 online a lot cheaper than you can in NZ. Stick CyanogenMod on it and you've got a great phone at a good price.
  19. Is that a bubble counter on the CO2 setup??? What's it set at, 5000 bubbles per sec? :sml1: Thanks for posting, tres cool
  20. I think you're right, firenzenz - look at the markings on the twig that I've circled - it's clear it's the same twig. But like you said, it's still a well composed image
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