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Everything posted by amtiskaw

  1. Thanks for the offer, but I'll go with the bin idea. Cheers anyway
  2. If it's next to the boat ramp it might get spread by boaties - maybe they would like to know? Might be how it got there in the first place, too :dunno:
  3. Umm, the integrated hood fittings on my tank? It's more like replacing the engine in a car. But thanks for the semantic nitpicking, that's always useful and appreciated :roll: edit: whoops - missed the simile in your post - it sounds different in my head now :oops: Cheers. No idea on the tank, sorry. There's no markings on it. I got it off a friend who was heading overseas a few years ago.
  4. I got some T5 end caps on EBay, and T5 ballasts from Ideal Electrical http://www.ebay.com/itm/Waterproof-T5HO-T5-BULB-BASE-SOCKET-DIY-PART-LIGHTING-/160744742209?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item256d221d41 I used those to convert the T8s on my big tank last year
  5. I dragged my old tank out of retirement to use as a test tank The Turface needed heaps of rinsing to remove dust. The waters still a little cloudy, mostly because I dumped some cannister water in to kick start the bio filter - it's just a little HOB unit. I'll feed it a bit of flake food for a week or two, then introduce a few fishies. I like the colour it's turned out After a few minutes, my old T8 light emitted a nasty series cracks and bangs. After changing my undies, I took it apart and found a blown component - anyone know what this is? Looks like a cap to me. I borrowed a LED panel off my big tank. I think I'll convert the old one to T5 HO.
  6. I know, it's strangely compelling :dunno: There's some highlights on Youtube, search on "Decorah Eagles" you can see them bringing rabbits to the nest, mating, scaring off raccoons - all sorts or raptory shenanigans
  7. Nope, no sign in required. There's a troubleshooting faq here
  8. Found this yesterday - a webcam watching an eagle nest. She's sitting on a couple of eggs, so is usually there. http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles
  9. I asked the guy I got mine off how to import it, but no reply yet. Maybe PM Bilbo, who said he can get it? (top of tis page)
  10. Does anyone have a tank I can borrow for a few weeks while I re-scape my 450 litre planted community tank? I'll be starting from scratch, and need somewhere to house my fish and plants during the tear-down and re-scape. I have 20 penguin tetras, 25 emerald eye rasbora, 5 red lined torpedo barbs, 5 bolivian rams, 5-ish otos (not sure exactly) and 6 dwarf chain loaches. The bigger the better, but I'm sure they'll be OK for a few weeks in something sub-optimal. I have lots of filtration and can up the water changes if needed. Happy to pay a few $$ or donate some java fern or amazon swords. I'm still on the hunt for some stone, so I don't need it for couple of weeks yet.
  11. Very cool, Si I just LOLed at your avatar
  12. amtiskaw

    Fay's Reef Tank

    Wow, how do you get anything done? I'd probably starve to death because I couldn't tear myself away from the tank
  13. amtiskaw

    Tea Tree

    Is Kanuka or Manuka OK to use in an aquarium? I'm looking for suitable wood for long, finger width branches for a planted tropical tank. Edit: Did a search on this site - turns out it's fine, and you even get a free low-dose of Melafix from the tea tree oil
  14. I just wanted to say thanks to kiwiplymouth for hooking me up with some E tenellus - it's doing well in its new home
  15. Did you get the guys name? HFF might want to know one of their staff is giving out incorrect advice :dunno:
  16. That's waaaay too much. You should be dosing weekly, but nowhere near that level. For example, I use a mix of Potassium Sulfate, Calcium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate, and one Tablespoon will raise the GH of 20 gallons of water by 3 degrees.
  17. My Turface arrived today. It looks sweet, the granule size is good, as is the colour :bounce: And $150 gets you this much
  18. I use one of these - Animates stock them. They have a ball valve in the top, so you just move it up and down a few times and the water starts syphoning. I just run some hose out the window and water the garden at the same time.
  19. Sorry to hear about your accident, by the way
  20. Sounds like they are differentiating between organic and inorganic chemicals, and only the organics are chemicals in their view. I wonder if this stuff just chelates heavy metals and organic chems? That might be the precipitate zeebee mentioned.
  21. I think you're mad driving without 3rd party insurance. What if you are at fault and write off someone's $200,000 BMW?
  22. Good news! Any idea on pricing?
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