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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Went looking for some today but couldn't find any, made a discovery though, scooped up the sediment on the bottom of the tough and found heaps of blood worms, there was like a hundred or more in one sieve scoop, so we collected half a dozen scoops in a bucket and took it home for convenience. Will the fish eat boatmen?........just noticed that the water boatmen are eating the bloodworm....whoops!
  2. so how would we harvest it without putting trough greebies into our tanks?
  3. Carlos & Siran


    we have really cool black volcanic rock in our stream by the water fall, they're covered in pock marks, holes and caves. You're welcome to some, may cost a bit to ship down to you though as they're quite heavy.
  4. I may be wrong but i think it makes the water go a pink colour, most of the troughs here are pink, been meaning to try and harvest some but don't really know what to do.
  5. Unfortunately I don't own the farm, It's a dream of ours but we have a long way to go and to be honest it's unlikely we'll ever be able to buy a farm. But for the time being this is nice Oh, the last farm I worked on had 3 waterfalls, the smallest was twice the height of this one, I could hear Kiwis telling me off in the mornings when I got the cows in, it also had glow worms and a kauri grove. But really, I've lived up and down the north Island and spots like these are everywhere you look, just get out of the city and go for a wander and you're there. Tauranga is gourgous.
  6. welcome mate. That driftwood looks sooo cool, is that from an old set up of yours or off the net? Alan is the man to talk to about your plant.
  7. that's only a fraction of the wetlands on the farm, were surrounded on 3 boundaries by water ways, but the waterfall is the nicest spot. seen bullies and have it on good authority that there's crawlies, have yet to see any though Me and the missus have discussed doing a native tank one day using all the streams on the farm.
  8. Not entirely sure as yet, summers coming though so I'll let you know....
  9. Hola, nice sunny day today so we decided to take a stroll with the camera and take some shots of some of the nicer wet spots on the farm, thought you might like to see some, enjoy
  10. maybe be they're hoping the average Joe doesn't know that, you'd think wood grain would be more wouldn't you?
  11. If you use oils you'll have to re-oil it every few months, Danish oil would do a much nicer job than linseed, but it all depends on your budget I guess.
  12. yes they do. My father in law died recently, and when the mother in law rang to make a claim she was told she wasn't covered. Unbeknown to them his insurance stopped when he turned 70(It was in the terms, but they didn't realize it), When she asked them why they hadn't sent a letter to notify them, she was told that one had been sent. But she maintains that she'd never received one, so it's her word against theirs, there's nothing she can do. $27.000 down the toilet.
  13. I went to the states a few years ago and couldn't believe the selection of pickles available, shelf upon shelf of jars of pickles, fairly substantial sizes too, the jars were massive. The yanks love em, me not so much, like pickled gerkins but that's about it.
  14. Well they're not but we already have clowns in there so....but the parkistanis look like heaps of fun.
  15. Cool, cheers boss...can't wait to make a start.
  16. Hopefully, our LPS said they'd get us some. So the sharks are a no go yeah?
  17. OK so we've just purchased another tank, this one a Sunsun, aprox 190ltrs, in pretty nice nick, though we're hoping to get our other Eheim 2215 fixed for it instead of using the built in filter. Over the last few months we've wanted to get certain fish only to find they're unsuitable for our community tank so we were hoping to put them all in the new tank. It comes with fish, most of which will go into the community , except a fancy pleco of some description(unsure of it's identity at this time) and a red tail black. The others we're hoping to get are: 2 gold angels 2 parkistani loaches 2 convicts 2 silver sharks(though this may change as we weren't expecting the RTB) and maybe a krebinsis or two and a ghost knife Are we breaking any rules here, is there too many fish for this tank? will we end up with just one big fat fish after a few days? I got a heap of these really cool black volcanic rocks from the water fall at the back of the farm, so we'll use those and a big piece of drift wood for the Pleco. We would still prefer a well planted tank also.
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