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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. howdy guys, as I mentioned earlier, we've bought a new tank, will be setting it up in a few weeks. I've noticed that we have 3 or 4 downed Macrocarpas on the farm with all their narly twisted roots exposed, they'd look so cool in the new tank. But I know Macro has it's own insecticide, do you think it would poison the fish or the plants? does anyone know anything about using Macro in an aquarium?
  2. Are they just down the road from the ten pin bowling place? if they are they've been there for ever, had been there for ages when I lived in the Palmy region about 12 years ago, awesome set up.
  3. Howzit, we just bought a 200ltr tank to replace our 100ltr. It comes with 2 Eheim canister filters. But the only spot to put it is where our old one is, so we'll have to brake it down and put the new one in it's place. How do we get on cycling the new tank and filter? as we'll have to put the fish in almost straight away. I guess we'll use the water from the old tank but we've got 2 Aqua clear power filters in the old tank and I'm not sure we can use the media from them for the canister. Anyone got any tricks of the trade?? cool guys
  4. I asked about shipping an AR380 from Hamilton to Whangarei on trade me and the fulla said the courier calculator said 10-20 bucks, seems pretty cheep but there you go...
  5. Perhaps pics could be posted without names and we all choose our fav? tho I guess most of us would vote for ourselves. Or Animal antics could judge it?
  6. Aye, I reckon 3 months is a good time, need that at least to establish the plants and have em looking their best yeah?
  7. Majestic looking bugger ain't he?, good luck keeping your fingers lol....
  8. Cool, we're in, just won an AR126 on TM. Have to sharpen up on our landscaping skills but, cheers for the links Sam.
  9. Hiya Thanks for the information, we have sorted it out. Another question is do we have to keep feeding the bug with more yeast and sugar every day or do we just change it once a week? Thanks
  10. LOL the music makes it seem way more dramatic than it really is...
  11. I tried trimming our lid down with a wheel cutter, was a complete disaster, as you you said, I dipped in oil, scored several times on both side and it shattered and made a real mess, I gave up and got a professional around to cut me a new one....
  12. howdy guys. We've just made a DIY co2 system we found on the net, we followed the instructions 100% and used a air curtain we bought from our lps. The first thing we noticed when we hooked it all up was it started siphoning water back into the yeast bottle. I guess that isn't right? does anyone know what we've done wrong?
  13. :oops: looks like I'm out voted....but you have to ask yourself, it is fairly well agreed on that a child who witnesses abuse in their family can be affected in later life and even become abusive themselves as adults. And yet most of us are quite happy to let our kids play video games where they can digitally murder another digital person, or games such as Grand theft Auto, where they steal cars, and break the law, and then say, nooo, it has no effect on them, they know it's just a game, they're just having fun. I know most of you are pointing out right now that games like GTA are R18, but I know of at least 3 kids under 13 who play it, so we're back to irresponsible parenting, but are games where you can graphically shoot and kill another person or actively break the law really necessary? Are you sure it's not teaching them something? I have 3 children and I know just how impressionable they are, they're like little sponges, they soak up everything. I saw a preview for that saw3 movie a while back and it made me almost sick to my stomach, man it was evil to the core. why do we need to watch something like that? and there are heaps of similar movies now, and kids will watch them, teenagers especially will suck that stuff up. Anywho, I've gone way off subject, and I apologize if I've upset some people, but I felt I needed to explain myself. Cheers
  14. Like Romeo said, what sort of rage and anger does a person have to have to do something like that? what the h*ll was going through their minds? There's just too much of this sort of thing going on today, a lot more than I remember as a kid. A lot of children are so desensitized by TV and video games that this sort of brutality is no big deal to them.
  15. We lepto the herd, never really thought of vaccinating ourselves
  16. Howdy guys, our fish tank is going really well, the fish are healthy but the plants look, well....blaaaah. We've decided to make a DIY CO2 system, but we don't have any substrate under our gravel. Do you think we should do that first? and if so do you need to buy proper aquarium substrate or can we use potting mix or something similar. Cheers all.
  17. Yep, done it a few times meself. but as I said the cow was lying down(on her side)she was exhusted and wouldn't get up, and the calf just wouldn't budge. As for the calving jack, I've found it takes all the hard work out of it, and as long as you go slow and allow the cows hips to close slowly it causes no probs.
  18. One of those nights last night, I had a heifer who was showing signs of calving yesterday lunchtime, but she still hadn't calved after milking, decided to just keep an eye on her. Unfortunately I fell asleep after dinner and didn't get out there again till about 9.30 and she still hadn't calved, Nothing for it I thought and brought her into the shed to calve her. When I went in I found the front legs easily enough but I couldn't find the head, went in all the way to my shoulder and found the head twisted back around. So I worked the legs out and put the jack chains on, then spent prolly 15 mins trying to get the head around, thought I'd got it several times but as soon as I put tension on the jack I could feel that it just wasn't coming, tried a few more times but I knew I was wasting my time and she was getting really worked up by now. So I went home and rung the emergency vets in Kamo. The vet got here around 11.00 pm, and by now my eyes were hanging out, She had a look and agreed that it wouldn't come and said we'd have to do a fetalostomy and cut the calf's head off as it had died. I heard about it before and seen pictures but never seen one in real life. I won't go into to much detail as it's quite grisly but it took us prolly another 20 mins to get the calf out. I finally got home around midnight. Started again at 5 this morning, went down to check the springers and to my horror found another heifer having trouble, the front legs and the head were partially out, but it's head was huuuge, she'd obviously been calving all night and the calf had died. So I rushed back to the shed and grabbed the trusty old calving jack again. She was lying on her side but I was still able to get the jack on, and got the calf out to it's hips, then it stuck, and just wouldn't come, I thought that it was perhaps because the cow was on her side and not allowing her hips to separate. Then she started fighting and slipped down into a drain, I panicked and clung onto her, and after a while I managed to take the chains off her calf and put them on her, and tie her to the quad. Then ran all the way back and grabbed the tractor. When I got back the boss had turned up, and we pulled her out of the drain, tied her calf back onto the quad and pulled it out. Man what a night, I can't wait till calvibg is over....
  19. Owwwie, did she at least have the excuse of being a new heifer?, or was it just a grumpy old trout? We've gotten about 40 Jersey heifers in and almost every one of em has kicked **** outta me so far. Hope you're feeling better soon.
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