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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. I guess you mean 2.1 metres long? 210 metres is a whooper of a tank by anyone's standards
  2. bed of a Mack truck 'll be fine, yah misuss might be a little miffed at the tire tracks on the carpet though :roll:
  3. Carlos & Siran


    Howdy Kryptic and welcome to the forums :bounce:
  4. lol, i got all excited when i read that heading :oops: sigh, i have a thoroughly dirty mind :evil:
  5. :oops: :oops: ermm, hate to sound pushy, but any idea when the rules will be posted, we're getting itchy to make a start. :oops: :oops: we really appreciate your guys hard work 8)
  6. Carlos & Siran


    G'day boss. hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. I'm not a car buff, barely know how to change spark-plugs, I used to hoon in my mates mk4 Cortina with a 3ltr v6 granada, was only a handful of cars that could touch us at the time, though I guess she'd be a slow poke by today's standards, is Pork chop hill still a popular make out and burn out spot?
  8. I used to be one of those annoying boy racers, driving around and around and around and around the square when I was there, not that I'm suggesting you do that, I'm sure you're much more responsible than I was as a 18 year old...... :-? :oops:
  9. Welcome cheeky cactus. The stand needs to be high enough that little fingers can't reach the top of the tank, the sides need to go all the way to the floor with at least one division that is also fully supported by the floor so the top of the stand is strong enough to take the weight of the tank(hope you know what I mean, I suck at explaining myself), MDF is prolly your best bet for price, i'd go for 18mm, but I guess 16 would be ok too, but just bear in mind that it's a big tank a will weigh a considerable amount,(prolly 400 kgs at least) think about the floor if its not concrete. I prefer to over build for something like this, hope this helps
  10. Aye, the fulla said that, the white lions are the same, it's a gene not a separate species.
  11. They still look pretty much like that Livingart, except since the accident they've put a smaller fence around it again to stop people getting too close. Yeah, it was kinda heart breaking to see these incredible animals in tiny cages just lying there, the fulla said they get active at night and I thought "active doing what exactly?" Apparently the farm is 126 acres, he also said they on purposely breed the white and bengal tigers together to get more white tigers which I thought was wrong some how, though I can't put my finger on why. The cheetahs especially concerned me, these guys need to run....
  12. Yeah, we were saying that this afternoon, that their enclosures should be bigger and more natural looking. They were happy though, lazing in the sun, just soaking it up, yawning, stretching, shifting possies etc. The guide was saying that when they put their food in the enclosures, they hide it to make them look for it and at other times they also put scents on big balls to make them exercise etc.
  13. I recently procured some day passes to Zion wildlife gardens and we went today, thought we'd share some pics. these are fat little Barbary lions, I think the fulla said they came from Kenya(I might be wrong) but they are extinct in the wild now This is a black leopard, gorgeous colours when the sun was on him. This poor old girl was on her own, she is an ex-circus animal. She's over 15 and a bit slow and arthritic, loves crystallized pineapple I knew these guys where fast but did you know they can reach 60kph in 2 seconds?, man that's fast There's something about being this close to animals as powerful as this and finally this is Zion, who was Aslan in the Narnia movies. What we found really unnerving was the Lionesses especially paid very close attention to the kiddies, the fulla doing the tour said it was because in the wild they instinctively go for the smallest most vulnerable prey. And there was a white Tiger male who loved trying to spray us, he seemed to get a real kick out of it. It was an interesting morning, though I'm glad we got the passes for free because it's normally incredibly expensive, though I guess being a private park it would cost a small fortune to run. Anywho, hope you enjoy the pickies
  14. Welcome to the world Luca. Congaratulations Tinytawnykitten.
  15. We get our AR380 next week, can't wait to start, the ideas are flying around allready. Have the rules been set yet?
  16. The scumbags who beat and kill little children are not going to stop because it's "against the law" Responsible parents who use a smack as a last resort know the difference between a smack and an abusive beating, all this law has done is criminalize good parents who love their children and smack only in desperate situations. You only have to watch the news form the last few weeks to see that this law is not stopping the abuse of wee ones.
  17. Yeah, here it is: http://www.ehow.com/how_4710515_make-co ... lants.html
  18. it was because we used warm water for the bug, as it cooled down in sucked the water up the hose. we just let it cool down first now. Cheers for the heads up Spoon
  19. Nar, we're in Kamo which is north, perhaps he was going on a tiki tour
  20. I might try a bit in a small tank with a guppy or something and see what happens. Actually the cows chew on the branches and bark as well, pine and other cyprus also cause probs, it's not uncommon for farmers so stick their late late calving cows in the macrocarpa paddock for a few days.
  21. Thanks for the info Caryl, think I might not take the risk, pity though as it would look so cool.
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