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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Hey, yeah, it's usually quite quiet and every now and again it will make that air bubble noise but after few seconds it will generally stop, but this afternoon it hasn't stopped making the airy noise. We checked to make sure water is getting in and it's still a good strong stream but the water is just dribbling out the outlet bar. we pulled it apart and put it back together but it hasn't made any difference. we've turned it off now cause we're scared of wreaking it. Does anyone know what could be causing the problem? Oh, we just recharged the CO2, we have the tube poked up the end of the intake, could that be the problem? :-?
  2. yeah, they need company, a school of 5 or more is best, seems to bring the best out in them too
  3. Poppy-our wee doggy Luna-our cat, think she was hitlers cat, she's just plain mean :evil: 3 cows- daisy, cocoa, little red and House the mouse, our 3 year old's mouse. havn't really named any of the fish, not really sure why...
  4. you've never had kiwi banana cake?....you poor wee thing
  5. :bounce: Lemon icing is good!!
  6. :bounce:Hehehe, are ristlenose's like Bristlenose's or a bit different? :bounce:
  7. I'm not entirely sure that planting a tree in there would make much difference, other wise anyone who didn't want a piece of land developed could just plant a Kauri there and that'd be the end of it.
  8. When I was working for Kitchens by Kevin in Kerikeri, everything was made of MDf and painted in 2 pot lacquer and we found it out lasted meltica and tape easily, as moisture eventually makes it's way between the tape, but with a good hard lacquer it can't get in. Bit pricey for the average Joe though.
  9. you can get a water resistant MDF, I forget what it's called, MUF of sumit like that, not sure what it's like for price, but ask around, someone will know what you mean eventually. The flat face of MDF will be OK as long as it's well painted and you wipe it dry straight away, it's the cut edges that's the real problem, they soak up moisture like a sponge. you may find if you seal the edges with a poly or even a two pot epoxy it will water proof it. Maybe even lots of coats of paint will help. our hood has swollen up like weetbix where the water has been evaporating.
  10. I'm a qualified cabinet maker by trade, I don't know a whole lot about structural strength as building isn't my thing, but when it comes to the cabinet, the more vertical supports you have that go from all the way from under the top to the floor the better as it will evenly distribute the weight to best effect. As Alan said, don't have legs as it will place much to much weight in those 4 areas.
  11. yah, glyphosate breaks down and doesn't leave a residue, I'd just rinse rinse rinse. I know the cows can eat the grass the next day after it's been sprayed and it doesn't worry them, they actually quite like it as it becomes quite sweet, something about bringing the sugars out I think.
  12. heheheheheheehee :bounce:
  13. Aye, love the wood, but it wouldn't fit and I so didn't want to cut it. I had to smash a bit off with the axe and break bits off with pliers untill it finally went in.
  14. hey cool, thanx for the imput Navarre, lol, we've pretty much done what you said. we've still got quite few plants to come but we've made a start.
  15. there are, we having a few probs with photo bucket, might have to look for something better
  16. we bought the tank with just a single 4ft aqua one 40wtt, we've since bought 2 more single 36wtt batten lights but I have some inheritance money coming from my Grandma soon and we want to get more serious but don't have a clue what we're on about. What exactly is a metal halide light and why are they so expensive and are they for full on tanks only?
  17. it's a community tank but we want a selection of good healthy plants as our 3 ft just looks manky with the few pitiful plants we have. I guess we just want to find a happy medium between lots of plants but still be able to see the fish, I have no idea about plant placement, I know tall plants in the back and short plants in the front but as you can see the wood is our center peice and tanks up quite a lot of room.
  18. all the fish in our signature
  19. Howdy all, been busy setting up our new 4ft tank today. We've laid aqua base and will put in jbl fert balls once plants are in. so far we have Chain sword grass, amazon sword plant, a satin pink lilly, mondo grass, indian fern, java moss, and we've got coming ambulia, bean stalk, cardamine, and a water rose. I know the pics aren't the best but we were wondering if anyone had any suggestions on plant placement. The rocks on the driftwood are just to hold it down, hopefully they can come off in a month or so. Thanx for looking ttfn
  20. that's what I was wondering, we've had selective herbicides for a long time, I wonder how hard it would be to create a selective pesticide?
  21. Richard is getting us some dark substrate for our tank, if you talk to him he may be able to get you some at the same time, we're doing our 225ltr this weekend, all good fun yeah? I don't know much but I wouldn't think that's too many bottom dwellers for a tank that size, we've got 2 corys, a bristle nose and a golden spot pleco and two kuhli's in our 100ltr and it's all happy families. I'm sure someone will tell me otherwise if I'm wrong :lol: :bounce:
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