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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. To sex a male and female pearl Gourami look at the dorsal fins, a males will be long and sporty, and females will be short and stubby, Males will also go a deep burnt orange under his chin and down to his anal fin during mating, where females will always stay pale.
  2. I'm tired and bored and feel like watching a real punchy movie, I'm not into lots of violence or graphic gore. Flicking through sky on demand I saw 2012 is available and I quite like the end of the world genre, but I have to say that I'm tired of being disappointed by movies these days, they just don't make them like they used too....and I'd rather not waste my $6.99 on yet another bad movie. Anyone seen it and recommend it...or is it rubbish?
  3. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=44009&hilit=spider there's a bit of info in this thread if I remember correctly
  4. 2500mm is a long way really, with 4x2s it'd be a bit iffy. I'd also be concerned about the whole shebang just slewing sideways. I'd put a up-right all the way to the floor between each tank and some sort of cross bracing, corner braces perhaps. I always like to over-build when doing something like this, you can never be too careful really.
  5. I tiffed our Indian fern, it just went ballistic and took over....and it has this annoying habit of losing little babies that float everywhere and block out the lights...
  6. LOL yes you do, and those filmy little raincoats they sell are about as useful as a handkerchief :lol:
  7. Reminds me of the maid of the mist at Niagara falls
  8. Is one a male and one a female? Sorry for the fuzziness but they are quick
  9. I've heard a few stories similar to those above, we use short lengths of 32mm alkathene, only problem is it floats so you have to weight it down, we hide it under the drift wood and stuff.
  10. yeah, prolly my favorite part. One of the emperors honked for us which was really cool. I thought the whole antarctic set up was really well done. I only wish the aquarium was bigger, I was rather disappointed when we had to go.... The weather at LAs was wet and muddy unfortunately but we really enjoyed it and it was great meeting LA and Cricketman, always good to put faces to names.
  11. I'm pretty sure LA and Cricketman are doing something like that in a marine set up....they may be able to help you.
  12. you really need more than one yoyo, they like to have friends.......3 is probably the bare minimum, but I think you really should have at least 10 or so......that's just my opinion and I'm sure people are gonna shoot me down and say otherwise.....
  13. I love loaches, they're lovely and fun. You just need a big tank as some get big. Our clowns eat trumpets Nick
  14. Howdy boss & welcome
  15. I'm not sure anyone is having much luck with dwarf Gouramis lately :I
  16. Looks gorgeous mate, nice work.
  17. Guppies and Fighters are doomed if I get any where near them....
  18. Do you have much surface agitation? and whats the temp of the tank? I think rising to the surface to gulp can be a sign that there's not enough oxygen saturation going on, at least I get concerned when I see my Cories do that.
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