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Everything posted by redracer77

  1. would it be worth removing the substrate?
  2. Found this pic from sometime last year coraline has been growing on most places now, and not really many more corals
  3. Don't think I have a pic on this PC, will try to remember to take a current pic tonight. tank has a substrate and plenty of flow to move mulm around and into the filter. I have done a lot of research and have been quite patient adding any livestock slowly. I realise that this setup will require more water changes than other tanks but I also have seen other tanks setup similar with less water changes and have been running longer than mine with no issues.
  4. I use bottled water. Yes I know I could use a skimmer and I plan to change my setup later this year to run a sump with a skimmer. I don't have a magnesium test kit, I wondered if this could be low. I will see if I can borrow one.
  5. 2 Shrimp, 1 Astrea Snail, trumpet, candycane, mini xenia, acro, kenya tree, zoas, hairy mushroom, Most are frags and still small. The trumpet started to die back overnight, one day was looking great the next I thought it was completely dead, That is when I noticed the Kh and PH was down. No Sump, overhead filter (aqua one tank) about 2.5 - 3kg coral rock in the tank, No Skimmer. The tank seemed to be running better with smaller water changes and feeding more with the Tomato clown in there, so I assumed it would be fine with slightly larger water changes and less feeding, guess I was wrong. :dunno:
  6. I am having trouble maintaining stable KH levels in my 40l marine tank and Ph is dropping also. It has been set up for about 16months now and has been running well up until a few weeks ago. The changes I have made recently are removed tomato clown and added camel back shrimp and a couple of months before I changed salt from red sea to marinium. I use RO/DI water for mixing salt Current stocking is 1x glass shrimp 1x CamelBack shrimp, corals (mostly frags) a couple of medium sized pieces. Filtration is mostly chemical, purigen, phosGuard, biochem-zorb. I change 4.5L of water per week and dose Aqua Vitro Balance, calcium, fuel, twice weekly I don't have test results with me but phosphates 0, nitrates 0 or very close to, dKH drops to 4. Is there anything else I should be testing for? Anything else I should be adding? not adding?
  7. Interesting that your L142 went for the kumara, mine hardly touched it. Mine also seem to prefer cucumber to courgette.
  8. If you seal it completely with silicon it should be fine. They will probably be nickle plated.
  9. They could have mixed up the order of the questions and answers a bit.
  10. I have kept FW Dwarf puffers with BN, otto and bumblebee gobies with out any problems, they did have a go at a couple of guppies I put in there. I think the tank size would make a difference. But not really community fish
  11. I have a friend here who has re-flowed his PS3 a couple of times, apparently they don't handle the heat of hrs continual gaming. I will ask him about it and get back to you.
  12. I have ordered some of the marinium salt as suggested, If it is as good as the red sea it is much better value. I will post once it arrives and I have used some.
  13. Keep the fire eel fed up and you will be fine for a while, once you notice a couple of neons gone the rest will disappear pretty quick. The loaches should be OK, some eels grow quite fast others not so much, feed it on cut up raw shrimp and put in a couple of pellets and see if it will eat them. Henward is the person to speak to about growing it huge.
  14. There are a few fluval edge set up as nano marine
  15. What brand of Salt are people using? I have been using Red Sea Salt but wondering if it is worth changing to another brand or to the Red Sea Coral pro. I use Pure Dew RO water, my tank is 40l and houses 1x tomato clown, soft and hard corals. My LFS does not stock any salt currently.
  16. I have the 1200, It is a lot better quality than most of the other aqua one tanks IMO and comes with T5HO lighting. Although I have just had to fix a leak from condensation on the corner of the hood (simple fix)
  17. I use 'Aviverm' a bird wormer available from the vet, Dosage is here
  18. I have never had an apisto survive from dropsy, I have tried a lot of different medications incl metro and furan-2. Metro and tetracycline you will need to get from a vet. You need to medicate very early as soon as you notice any signs of dropsy. I'm sure Jen can provide some info on protozoans.
  19. :nfs: 2 of mine now come out with lights on and I caught all 3 out together last night just before lights out, must have been a night for it.
  20. Why don't you just replace the needle valve, they are cheap off ebay or go to a hydraulics company
  21. What are you using to fix the BBA? Flourish Excel? Could you have got this directly on the loach? You could try a drop of wunder tonic directly on the eye as per this post http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=39643&p=431613&hilit=cloudy+eye#p431613
  22. I have just added some colombian red fin tetras to my tank, they have nice colours and are quite active, although they do get larger than others you are looking at. A big school of rummy nose would look great!
  23. Coburg Aquarium is a major importer for fish in Melbourne and is a must if you can get there. http://www.coburgaquarium.com.au/
  24. Yeah mine are between 13cm and 17cm still growing
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