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Everything posted by JazzyJeff

  1. Thanks Jen - I will refrain from mixing them. I will try daily dosing over the next 7 days see what improvement I can see
  2. Hey Jen... If one was to dose with Excel & Comprehensive - would you give both daily? AND could you pre mix the excel & comprehensive into one bottle and after a good shake dose with 2mls/40l of tank water? Thanks JJ
  3. I'd be keen for the unwanted green pup?
  4. VERY NICE P44... what variety is that? You have some quite spectacular plants that never cease to impress me!
  5. Thanks P44 - I didn't notice that ad... I have pm'd him
  6. Can anyone tell me what sort of sword this is... http://naturalaquariums.com/plants/echinred.html is it freely available? I am looking for some smaller swords that won't take over the tank.
  7. hmmmmm, not sure how mine measures up but here goes.... Shakes head :oops: ... note to self, must clean glass before taking pic!!
  8. I have just got my hands on some macrandra cuttings - please can I get some advice on the best way to get these thriving? I have 8 stems - Should I plant them in bunches or singlely?
  9. I recently got a slate stepping stone from Bunnings which I smashed up with a hammer and transformed into a retainer type wall in the tank - looks great!
  10. Ah! now we're talking! I'll put some JBL balls in today, dose with weekly ferts - there is T5 lighting but not HO (a 13w 6400k Red & a 13w 10000k white) See how we go.... Didn't realise the red one were sought after, maybe I will take better care of this one in the future
  11. LOL! Help me make it give me TWO puppies and THEN i can give you one! There is Aquabasis under the substrate but I could add JBL Balls perhaps
  12. I have a beautiful tiger lotus that has pushed out a "pup" a couple of times which I have given away but now when I would like some more for my other tanks it doesn't seem to wanna - Is there anything I can be doing to encourage it to give me a baby? I have a red and a green plant in one tank.
  13. I found it discoloured my water, gave it a yellow tinge so I stopped using it and went back to Flourish Comprehensive. I also found JBL balls cheaper than API root tabs... weather they are better or not I'm not sure
  14. There is a reddish tint to the naked eye, the pic doesn't show this so perhaps that one is Ludwigia? I have my fingers crossed that the spearwort/banana type plant doesn't grow too tall and copes with trop temp ... too bad if it don't! Thanks everyone
  15. Oh yes - they are the cutest. They are everywhere in that tank lucky they are my fav fish - next time I venture up to Aucks I can bring ya a couple if ya like.
  16. Also - can anyone i/d this one?
  17. OK - I have taken a pic of the plant in question... Can anyone tell me what it is and what sort of height it will get to, cold or tropical blah blah blah
  18. Thanks Alanmin :lol: Everybody needs to look at this website it is fantastic! http://www.tropica.com/home.aspx Didn't help me with my spearwort (if that is even what it is!) but love the website. I will take pics and post to see if any of you can help me, watch this space
  19. hmmm.... might have to do that tomorrow - lights are out in the tank now and the fishes are nigh nighs. (cept maybe the Khuli's - they are dancing round doing the night cleaning shift) Thanks LivingArt - that was a good site but didn't have the plant listed - these came listed under the name Spearwort but I can't find any info on them. Not even sure the naming is correct... Anyone know anything bout this plant?
  20. Anyone know of a good website I can use a reference to i/d-ing aquatic plants... Thank you in advance
  21. Just a thought... I feed my young discus heart mix about once a week - I defrost it in a net (fish catching net) I then put it in the tank in the net and the discus actually go into the net to get it... if there is any left overs I discard it. I also do this with bloodworms and Brineshrimp. As far as I can see my discus appear active, happy and very confident - I agree with P44 bout the commercial diets and I primarily feed JBL Novo Bits for Discus to mine. I figure they have done a lot of research & testing
  22. I did contact the local SPCA 2 days ago, they said they would visit. Does anyone have a link to a good article on why you shouldn't keep goldfish in a bowl unfiltered? Think I might drop one into them.
  23. Yup, true story... My Local Fruit & Vege shop is giving goldfish away with purchase's over $10! I was shocked to see that this is happening! Even more shocked to see people taking these fish away in snap-lock bags without a clue!!
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