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Everything posted by Flosty

  1. Flosty

    Discus Addict

    Thanks Johnny, the parents are checkerboard pigeon x white butterfly
  2. Flosty

    Discus Addict

    Thank you so much for the kind words Lynnie
  3. Flosty

    Discus Addict

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments I am a little partial to the red and white discus,I didn't set out for it to be this way but it is how it has turned out...impulse buying I don't mind any colour discus as long as they have good body shape,I would put that first! Thanks Mel, Adults are easy, too many fry and theres no time for anything else :lol: Thanks a bunch Luke, will get some photos when I can in between water changes :lol: Man... last time I looked
  4. Flosty

    Discus Addict

    I think I have an addiction!
  5. Flosty

    New Fish!

    Haha, I wish I could grow them that big!
  6. Flosty

    New Fish!

    Great looking fish! They look pretty comfortable to me,all the best with them
  7. I believe that fuji red has pigeon blood in its make up which is a dominant trait, this would suggest a large percentage of pigeons in the offspring. My fuji red definately looks to be that way.You could get all sorts from that cross, mainly peppered pigeons but not necessarily, there could be some clean,pigeon snakes,turks and snakeskins depending on the parents lineage.Maybe you could even get a spotted pigeon.Its really a box of chocolates with a cross like that. try growing them out and see what you get but don't be afraid to cull the uglies I have read that some breeders fuji red are golden base which would make that a good cross, but I don't believe the ones in NZ are
  8. Wow! you have done a fantastic job with them,love the LSS
  9. Yeah its a bit of a nuisance when they lay on the filter The breading cones look nice but they are not absolutely necessary Try the terracotta pots, I use to find I had to stack about 2 or 3 on top of each other to get the height I needed Very hard to distinguish male from female,females will pair with females The female lays and watch the male to see if he follows after her to do his thing If the eggs are infertile they will go white within a day, if they are fertile they should start darkening up on the second day 50 - 60 hours to hatch depending on temp My females that have paired with each other generally lay within a couple of days of each other I find that the female who is not laying gobbles up the eggs fairly quickly as they are being layed although I do have a pair of females who lay and then guard the eggs for 2 or so days until they have all fungused over The only sure way to know is if you get wrigglers
  10. If they are ready they will lay anywhere that suits them, mine just lay on the tank sides
  11. lol very amusing :lol: but maybe not for the snail
  12. Good work! fingers crossed they get it right for you
  13. Any luck getting this one to eat yet? :-?
  14. cheers Dee thanks,they look better every day At a guess some like mum some like dad and some in between but they will be all pigeon based
  15. He has little bit peppering but pretty minor really,the spots I am referring to are the ones on the body,like leopard spots
  16. What I have found is once the eggs hatch to wrigglers, alot of the time they fall to the tank floor, in a bare bottom tank the parents pick them up and spit them back on the spawning site. In a gravel tank they tend to get lost in the gravel and the parents can't retrieve them. Never tried with sand but maybe that would be different. I am sure though it has been done lots of times before.
  17. Flosty

    Discus pics

    Some of my discus white butterfly white calico royal ruby red
  18. Heres a few pics from today, day 5 here's a pic of mum,the fry tend to stay on dad most of the time
  19. sorry I misunderstood your post,I thought the previous owner had metro'd them
  20. Why were they metro'd?, were they not eating prior?hmmm maybe your answer to not eating, did you see them eat before buying? I have had discus go off food for up to 2 weeks after a course of metro
  21. The photo is a very poor angle,but discus to me looks like a young white butterfly not an oceon green,I say young as the white colour hasn't fully developed yet, it also looks behind in growth i.e stunted but this could be from the poor angle of the photo,side on is best, it also has a short gill cover, possibly why the cheap price,but I wouldn't buy.
  22. The photo is a very poor angle,but discus to me looks like a young white butterfly not an oceon green,I say young as the white colour hasn't fully developed yet, it also looks behind in growth i.e stunted but this could be from the poor angle of the photo,side on is best, it also has a short gill cover, possibly why the cheap price,but I wouldn't buy. HTH
  23. Feed a little frozen bloodworm,most fish give in to that temptation,but in moderation Earthworms are also great for getting them eating Then try the colourbits, in the morning is a good time for colourbits as they have been without food for a number of hours and should be hungry
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