Next AFKA meeting is:
Date: Tuesday 8 May
Time: 7.30pm
Location: Green Bay Community House
Godley Rd (Behind New World Supermarket)
Green Bay
I am sure there will be something good happening
Most killies are jumpers.
if you get them from just any breeder you will definitely need to make sure that there is no space for them to jump out of
However there is a breeder out there that does specialise in the non jumping variety... but they cost a lot more
It does to a little extent.
that is why you don't keep them with comets, just other fantails.
very hard to get good lionheads.
Orandas are very nice but you pay to get nice ones.
Best person to talk to down your way Wilson, is Alanmin 4304
or PM Alan for info.
Those 2 are quite knowledgable
Then again... must never forget about Casserole