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Everything posted by Wok

  1. Wok

    This or that

    silk :roll: PJ's or NO PJ's
  2. I have my tanks on a window sill and the wcmm do their thing all the time.
  3. Join up with your local fish club. I am sure members there would steer you to the right place
  4. Dave Which year are you talking about? I don't think Sunday 4th April will occur until 2010 :roll:
  5. Wok

    This or that

    email Ham or Corned beef
  6. Oh.. that is where that one went to. I was calling him Jag for a while (short for Jag food :lol: )
  7. Contact Stone and Water world in Ellerslie, Auckland I know they have concrete sealer for sale they are open 7 days so you can phone them up.
  8. If a lot more die in the next couple days then I will provide you with some replacements. Otherwise the wcmm I have live in an unheated tank with no special treatment, only a top up of tap water every week.
  9. what you do is "That old thing.. that has been in there for ages, must of been hiding when you looked in the tank..... Honest :roll: "
  10. You could always go to Europe or UK and earn Euros or Pounds... That would make your project cheaper.
  11. Wok

    This or that

    Rice Plain Rice or Fried Rice
  12. You are lucky Rose was there you silly old fool Time to bring down the tanks to a lower level Alan Hope you have enough room for the Wheelchair to get into the fishroom. Or....... Are you shouting to Rose to clean the tanks now? :roll:
  13. As long as you have easy access to the diffferent media you should be fine. just try it and see. change if necessary. Casserole has a big sump that seems to work very well. Might be worthwhile to get his input too.
  14. I believe fluvals are bottom to top. that is why I have my noodles at the bottom and sponge at the top. Same goes with my AquaClear HOB filters
  15. It all depends on the flow of water. Water should pass through media in this order (well that is the way I do it in all my filters) 1. Noodles 2. Coral Rubble 3. Sponge 4. filter wool this way you will get the big stuff out first and the smaller stuff at the end.
  16. Wok

    Brine Shrimp

    I have spare if anyone wants any
  17. Wok


    I would recommend this site than a book
  18. Bump!!!!! Remember Meeting tonight, 7.30pm See you there. Paul
  19. Pull out the UGF and put in a real filter like a canister or HOB
  20. Wok

    Diatom Filter

    if you don't want your diatom filter... I am willing to take it off your hands
  21. Wok

    Diatom Filter

    definitely need to get the parts yourself from the USA www.petdiscounters.com may help... they are the only fish shop in the USA that is willing to send things out by airmail. Very helpful too.
  22. Not a problem Gatito, I will make sure your card is laminated.
  23. I have finally figured out why my Gouramis are so horny. It is to do with wainui water. Think the water that Billaney waded into at the Molly Hunt has finally come through in our pipes since Auckland is getting water from the Waikato river since it is so dilute it only affected the Gouramis :lol:
  24. Ahhhh It makes sense now :lol:
  25. Oh well.. at least my discus like the live food :lol: yeah.. billaney... when did you pop round for a pep talk?
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