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Everything posted by Wok

  1. I think with Billaney it should be "what aren't you breeding" :lol:
  2. Mealworms Chocolate Australe gardneri wcmm gourami
  3. Wok

    black algae

    my clown loaches, discus, bristlenose all came out without any side effects
  4. welcome madsaffa What killies do you have? cheers Wok NZKA 253
  5. Wok

    Another heater query

    I jsut have them sitting in a tank on the window ledge inside the house with no heaters. Breed reasonably well too
  6. Wok

    black algae

    If I were to use florish again.. I would take most of the riccia out and put it back in when I have killed the BBA
  7. Plants take up the nutrients quite well. I have placed a goldfish tank next to a window and the water went green due to algae.. fish didn't mind... but I couldn't see the fish :lol:
  8. Wok

    black algae

    when you double dose with Florish exel. don't do any water changes till the algae is dead. Be warned that double dose florish will kill riccia and val.
  9. algae growth does not necessarily mean fish death. Just that the algae will obscure your view in seeing the fish :lol: I have 2 wcmm tanks on a window sill that has sun on it all day (well, when the sun shines :lol: ) and it is heavily planted with Indian fern and ambulia. These tanks do not have a problem with green water or algae
  10. Surround your tank with polystyrene if possible cover your tanks with a blanket. chuck in bottles of hot water from time to time to keep water warm. Pray they get the power on soon :lol:
  11. Wok

    hello there

    Welcom Anthony Law. come join us sometimes in the chatroom from 9pm
  12. Wok

    What tank i have

    Welcome Oscar Boy Yep.. have to agree with Caryl on this one. Feel free to browse the different topics and ask and answer any questions you want
  13. Tropical Fish Hobbiest Magazine has an article about the "Celestial Pearl Danios" So I guess we get them in as Pearl Danios :lol:
  14. and just like a marriage... .. your fish will take every bit of money you have accumulated. .. fish are right and you are wrong. :lol:
  15. Wok


    Welcome Puddle. Did you know your Nearest fish club is Tasman Aquatic Society? or you could join up with the Marlborough Aqurium Club - they do distance correspondence :lol: enjoy the forums
  16. Wok

    thoughts on TLC

    Can't help you there as I don't use chemicals if I can help it. I only use Methyl blue
  17. Wok

    Protein Skimmer

    I have moved this topic to the Saltwater section as this is the most appropriate place for it. Wok Mod
  18. I was told not to use fresh potting mix as it contains fertilizer. I use compost instead and works fine. I also use poly boxes as this keeps them insulated from the heat.
  19. No Fair :evil: You guys got the resources of the Aquarium I am so jealous
  20. NO... I will not take them down to christchurch in my hand luggage next week :lol:
  21. I do aroound 30 - 50% water changes in my tanks and I don't use any chemicals now. still got around 2-3 litres of the aquaplus sitting around for about the last 3 years. good ole waikato water :roll:
  22. could be Callamanus worms.
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