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Everything posted by Deno

  1. I'm glad you worked it out. 1 because we got to see your awesome tank and 2 because I'm damned if I can figure it out :-?
  2. I'm glad you worked it out. 1 because we got to see your awesome tank and 2 because I'm damned if I can figure it out :-?
  3. awesome..can't wait till the eels and xylotls need to be euthanased
  4. Deno

    moving soon

    put your fish in containers, with a heater if its going to take a while, break down and move the tank as quickly as possible, set it up, fill it with as much of your good water as you can take and put your fish back in. One tank at a time is how I have done it.
  5. option A is the way I would do it and have done it in the past. No problemo
  6. Personally i wouldn't even waste my $$ on the stuff. Started off using it when I got my first tank then decided to try without about 3 years ago and haven't added dechlorinator since and have never noticed any difference to either fish or tanks.
  7. peudotropheus Ice Blue Maylandia Greshakei
  8. Deno

    tank cycling

    m Dad in Masterton wants a just few africans in a 3 ft tank. There is no other tank for him to pinch media from. He's a bit long in the tooth and short on patience to be trying a fishless cycle
  9. Deno

    tank cycling

    has anyone used africans for cycling a tank? i was reading a website which lists a whole heap of fish suitable, quite a few cichlids included
  10. Deno

    cichlid food

    what are these cichlids of yours? , you want to be feeding them more than just 1 type of sinking pellet. I'm guessing african cichlids? I feed all sorts from different pellets and flake to shrimp, spirulina. A lot of people make a blend of frozen veges and shrimp, I feed this to all my fish every morning and they love the stuff. I think variety is good, who would want to eat the same thing every meal? How old are your fish, how long have you had them and how much are you feeding them?
  11. I hate to put a dampener on it but from my experience when tiger barbs start doing crazy stuff like that including spirals and standing on their heads, they don't have long to live. Hopefully yours isn't going through the same thing
  12. I'd run a 200w, it won't have to work as hard as a 100w
  13. there is a volume calculator on this very site
  14. heat pad from your LFS and they just may have a poly box too.
  15. Last Sunday of each month at 1pm. So next meeting will be 27 September
  16. you'd be a brave person to do that I reckon
  17. I take my rocks out occasionaly and water blast them to be rid of the brown algae,a lot easier than scrubbing and it brightens up the whole tank nicely
  18. I"ve had mine for 2 years and his behaviour has improved with age. He's in a community tank with bigger fish and much smaller fish. Gives a short chase after hoplo occasionally who is 3 times his size. Cool fish
  19. good on you the little guy deserves a good home no matter what he is
  20. that will be enough of that
  21. on a golf course...Any persons (except players) caught collecting golf balls on this course will be prosecuted and have their balls removed.
  22. Deno

    Tank vs Stand

    putting a board on top of the stand to suit the size of the tank...that's what I would do. So long as the stand is strong enough you will be fine. You should even be able have the overhang only at the back so that the front is flush and tidy
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