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Everything posted by Matto

  1. my cousin and i have recently purchased a cuckoo syno each and he has lent me his for a while so i can attempt at breeding them .they are in my main tank with my breeders which are not ideal hosts but worth a shot i guess ,they are in with yellows ,afra ,rustys ,azureas and red empress.i am not sure on their sex yet so i thought i would put up a post.there is a smaller one which chases the larger one around so im hoping they are a different sex. :slfg:
  2. 20-24 days is supposed to be best ,if you don't strip them you will have next to no fry survive so you might as well not be breeding them
  3. you let them hold for a couple weeks and strip the fry into a different tank
  4. more females are good :lol: you could put anything in there but might end up cross breeding and you wont get as many fry as a species only tank.
  5. Matto

    Buzzys Reef

    :thup: awesome set up! wish i could do something like that one day
  6. +1 maybe catch a termite and take a pic?
  7. Matto

    This or that

    long. big fish or small fish?
  8. i have had dead bristle nose's in my hang on filters from them climbing in &c:ry
  9. Matto


    :nfs: very cool !
  10. ^exactly http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://www3.ncc.edu/faculty/bio/fanellis/biosci119/five_slotted_silver_dollar.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www3.ncc.edu/faculty/bio/fanellis/biosci119/marineorg.html&usg=__wDVujIViQYJRX24BgULYhPTDAow=&h=387&w=650&sz=125&hl=en&start=14&zoom=1&tbnid=rCD0J8-djlQYzM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=197&ei=Ys_YTY-lEorsuAOQi_2nBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsilver%2Bdollar%2BEchinoderm%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D629%26tbm%3Disch0%2C543&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=121&vpy=253&dur=1455&hovh=173&hovw=291&tx=122&ty=97&sqi=2&page=2&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:14&biw=1024&bih=629 lol its a long link :sml1:
  11. it wont be on trade me you have to get it from hff and the full name is full life spectrum :thup:
  12. i think you need a jet ski :lol: haha very cool ,any fish in it?
  13. i now have 8 eggs in a tumbler with little tails and heads :thup:
  14. i have fed them to my male living stoni and hes all good
  15. Matto


    $100 each normally
  16. Matto


    syno's are a group of catfish eg synodontis multipunctatus
  17. they have been spawning and have held 5 or so times but i have never been able to separate the females quick enough and my last attempt ended up with the eggs being eaten :tears:
  18. saves on the power hopefully i can get some fry soon.
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