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Everything posted by Matto

  1. could it have laid eggs on the filter tube? are your sure its a he?
  2. just try everything and go with what works best
  3. that sucks man ,i hope u get them back
  4. sorry about bringing back the dead but i thought u might like to see the pics of my male which has just colored up.
  5. green and golden bell http://www.google.co.nz/images?hl=en&q= ... 24&bih=602
  6. Matto

    id on cichlid

    bingo?? Julidochromis dickfeldi??
  7. Matto

    id on cichlid

    look a little like a brichardi but i havent seen one with horizontal bars :-?
  8. lol i found a similar one to that on long weekend while i was snorkeling but the snail part was a orange color and had no shell door, it was around 15cm long too
  9. yea he does to :lol: i was thinking of setting one up while im at waihi beach over Christmas but then again that's what my mask and snorkel is for :lol:
  10. so how difficult is it to keep cold marine compared to tropical?
  11. i doubt ill ever see one like that again it was so cool
  12. it was so awesome but i have no experience with salt water and i have too many tanks as it is lol
  13. awesome i was so tempted to set up a marine tank on the weekend, ill post some pics so you can see why lol just be a sec :roll:
  14. http://s966.photobucket.com/albums/ae14 ... MG1017.jpg http://s966.photobucket.com/albums/ae14 ... MG1016.jpg http://s966.photobucket.com/albums/ae14 ... MG1014.jpg http://s966.photobucket.com/albums/ae14 ... MG1010.jpg
  15. i have a group of dogtooth cichlids (Cynotalipia Afra) and one of the female has spat her fry today ,around 25-30 and 6 fry are deformed, their tails are bent down and they can't swim what is going on?
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