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Everything posted by Matto

  1. um i used a magnet cleaner and heaps of iron shards stuck to it is this bad for the fish??? :-?
  2. reptilez in te awamutu has heaps of reptilez lol and i saw a tortoise when i was there last
  3. i dont want anything that changes the ph ,i thought i might have a look at bunnings for some.
  4. ok thanks should i use sand for cichlids or go for gravel?
  5. oh also put where your located in your control panel
  6. probably 2 males ,males have a long slender anal fin and usually have more black than females how big are yours? yellows need to be in a ratio, usually 1 male to two or three females so the aggression is spread out.Have you got the right ph? a big enough tank?
  7. could you pic them up and look at their ''bits'' to see if there is a difference between fish?
  8. try davidlw ,he had heaps at one point.HTH
  9. awesome i didn't see many of those when i went to the gold coast although i found a bearded dragon on the beach looks like you had a good trip.
  10. yup i got a $70 credit for 5 fish :bounce:
  11. um no not really :oops: shops take them
  12. lumphead cichlids (Steatocranus casuarius) are great parents and are awesome to watch moving fry around etc
  13. we are on vodafone, we get 30 gigs and free mysky and its cheaper than when we were on 20 gig with telstra
  14. wow that must be one nasty tom are you sure it wasn't a dog? hope she gets better soon
  15. it turns out my 2 males and one female is actually the other way around i have 2 females and one male
  16. wow this is interesting what is the problem here? henward never brought any frogs so what did he do wrong ?
  17. i have put heaps of rocks (sharp) :oops: and a cave and some tunnels as well as taking my old Siamese fighter dividers out lol
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