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Everything posted by Matto

  1. aww! but they are sooooo cool! the rustys could do with some space also thanks for your help ryan
  2. females mainly ,i dont know what im going to do yet as i have living stonii that need a bigger tank as well and im running out of room :evil:
  3. i got a 980 from a friend that has a crack in the middle of one side which im going to silicone some glass over and then im going to have a massive tank to move my fish into yay! :bounce:
  4. ohh it also has a 1000l mechanical filter and a 1000l canister
  5. its 76 long 38 high and 30 deep the tank has lots and lots of hiding places and there is 2 males and 5 females . thanks
  6. i have some electric yellows that all of a sudden have fagged fins and open skin just before their tail is this a disease ? what can i do to stop it ? there is a picture of a yellow on this site that looks like mine http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebinde ... isfaq4.htm thanks matt
  7. that is terrible i feel sorry for you man
  8. she is holding again hopefully she will hold longer so i can strip her :roll:
  9. strip and put her in a separate tank and feed up if its that bad
  10. how many have you got and how big ryan?
  11. wow awesome how many do you have ,males to females?
  12. Matto

    BIG! NO! NO!

    its not their fault but they should at least remove the auction
  13. Matto

    BIG! NO! NO!

    yea that yellow looks dodgy too lol
  14. Matto

    BIG! NO! NO!

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 031984.htm sorry if i shouldn't have posted it but it is terrible!
  15. its a straight no they grow huge man!
  16. my friend has some lithobates fry on trademe, cool pics firenzenz
  17. Matto


    ok thanks ryan
  18. Matto


    so should i leave it then and try when they are bigger?
  19. Matto


    the biggest would be around 10cm and the others are around 5-8cm at a guess
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