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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Can't say you weren't warned to not cross the streams...
  2. Which are pretty much egg tumblers.
  3. There are a few around, but I don't think they're a legal import anymore. Which is probably good given they get to 3-4 feet.
  4. I bet an inverted water/coke/juice bottle would work well for that. Might be a bit light for a permanent setup though.
  5. Sealer has been put on...Or partially anyway. Guy that came to do it's boss gave him a can of sealer and said, "This should be enough for 2 coats." Nope, about 2/3 of a coat. Hopefully should finish Monday.
  6. Probably only get 1% to adulthood in the wild so even if most of your fry die before they grow up you're doing pretty well.
  7. Why do you need an auto feeder for once every day or two?
  8. Ira

    Rock from the sea

    Rock from our sea anyway. Could look up instructions for making base rock. It doesn't look too hard and you can make any sizes and shapes you want.
  9. Interesting, all I have, that's labeled AVG in task manager anyway is: AVG identity protection monitor: 1740K AVG Tray Monitor: 3392K Puts them at about #20 ranked by memory usage at the moment.
  10. Decide how much flow you want and your head then look at the flow vs head chart.
  11. Resource hungry how? It looks like it only uses about 2 megs of ram most of the time, unless I'm missing one of its processes. I've never noticed it scanning because I have it set to scan at 2am and only while the computer is idle. Only time I notice anything from it is when a file finishes downloading in firefox. It pops up a message that it's scanning for about half a second.
  12. After watching the overall progress barely move in the last half hour...Make that Sunday...
  13. I'm just doing a full scan now. Looks like about 5% done in 15 minutes. I'll get back in 5 hours...
  14. Viruses or just any kind of alert? A lot of virus/spyware scanners can notify you of all kinds of harmless stuff like invalid signatures on files, tracking cookies, etc. I seriously doubt AVG would miss 52 genuine viruses. And I suspect your computer would be absolutely demolished. Just installed MSE, no hits on the first scan compared to AVG.
  15. I've used Lagunas. Used a PJ2000 on my marine tank and then upgraded to a 5000. (I think those are the right models) Never had any problems with them.
  16. I haven't seen them in years, they're usually sold as Brazilian Puffers here. Mine I got about 5-6 years ago I had to get the lfs to order but were fairly cheap. About $60 iirc. But I've heard they haven't been imported at all in years.
  17. Anything that's not Norton. Microsoft security essentials and AVG Free are both good, like others have suggested. I use AVG free.
  18. Heat loss on many marine tanks, especially reefs is a GOOD thing. It's a struggle to keep the tank cool.
  19. Yeah, that sounds about right. $10-15 each.
  20. I'd have thought any lfs would have snailrid.
  21. Looks like the same cabin as ME2.
  22. [nitpick]Macro algae usually[/nitpick] Heaters, powerheads, cables, rocks, macroalgae, decorations, depressions in the sand...
  23. Ira

    nitrate question

    Killing off the nitrifying bacteria would, if anything, cause a drop in nitrates not an increase(Until they recover then you'll get a big jump)
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