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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I don't see what's incompatible about their water requirements? Both prefer moderately acid to moderately alkaline water, soft to moderate hardness around 25ish C. They're both what I'd call right in the middle of normal range.
  2. Egg layers do NOT GET PREGNANT! :an!gry
  3. Hate to break it to you, but 500L is a medium tank. You've gotta go into the 1000+ range for a BIG tank.
  4. Ira


    Cool, if they don't do any damage be good to grow them up.
  5. He died of a cerebral aneurysm as a secondary complication lupus anticoagulant disorder. Without a full autopsy that's as good a guess as any.
  6. They do have very small territories. Just the little area between the left and right sides of the tank.
  7. Haha, I loved my black shark. But he made it hard when he killed my severum, my geophaguses, my polypterus...Basically everything except my redspot, goldspot and bristlenoses. Then he started doing the same to the people that wanted him. Last I heard he was harassing some pacus, I think?
  8. Like using "Ect" in place of "etc." for Et Cetera which obviously is Latin.
  9. Given I hated what I've seen of the Sopranos I'm not convinced.
  10. I suppose I might get around to watching it sometime. But the synopsis and few random bits I've seen haven't gotten me interested.
  11. American spelling avoids -ise endings in words like organize, realize and recognize.[35] British spelling mostly uses -ise, while -ize is also used (organise / organize, realise / realize, recognise / recognize):[35] the ratio between -ise and -ize stands at 3:2 in the British National Corpus.[36] Worldwide, -ize endings prevail in scientific writing and are commonly used by many international organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization and the World Health Organization. So, pbpbpbttt :ton:
  12. And next, proper capitalization... :slfg:
  13. I've just started watching The Fades, another UK series. Pretty good horror, thriller kind of series...Of course that means it was cancelled.
  14. Don't forget people using "brought" instead of "bought", unless in you did bruy something.
  15. Ira


    Better, Cheaper, pick one.
  17. Ira


    Yeah, that's about the right price for a cheap one. Remember you're talking a "Fridge" designed for a 100% duty cycle using expensive titanium and stainless steel rather than cheap copper and steel with a higher quality thermostat, different plumbing for the heat exchanger for the water. Sales of about .001% the volume...
  18. I'd say a 3000 lph in a 200L would be just about right. I have twice that in a 440 and it's pretty low current.
  19. Ira

    fluval FX6

    Ahhh....8.95 years. So pretty close to 10 years.
  20. Ira

    fluval FX6

    Sure you would. If it is 5 watts the power decrease should pay for the upgrade in...Let me grab the calculator...50.84 years, assuming electricity prices stay the same.
  21. BECAUSE TRIOPS ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS! Now give us some updates!
  22. I have a bunch of that too, very undemanding.
  23. Ira

    nitrate question

    Yes. Filter can't do a thing about nitrates. The normal cycle ends with nitrate, the filter is done. If it wasn't good enough there'd be measurable ammonia or nitrite with less nitrate.
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