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Everything posted by Ira

  1. In sump means there's a sump and you put the skimmer IN it.
  2. Bugger, I've got mine set up wrong...
  3. It'd be easy enough to put a valve on the bottom of the overflow into the refugium. Or a T.
  4. I don't think it matters much if you have the same flow down each overflow. All that matters is that the flow into the tank equals the flow out of the tank. But that's what overflows do automatically.
  5. Wow, your excellent description and large number of details help so much! Hehe...Figure out what skimmer it is or post a picture, maybe we can help.
  6. That's what it's SUPPOSED to do, Alan. But if it was big enough to cause a problem, you used too much. You only want a small bacterial bloom.
  7. Now the guy just needs to find a giant peanut butter fish!
  8. It'd be kind of a novelty, I think. If I had a couple mollies I'd probably give it a try.
  9. Ira


    It doesn't matter if the sand is from freshwater or saltwater. The tiny traces of salt in the sand probably wouldn't even make a measurable difference in the salinity of the tank and would be gone after you give the sand a rinse anyway. And unless there's heaps of shells in the sand it won't effect the PH either. And to have enough shells in the sand to make a big difference in the PH it would be more like extra chunky sand.
  10. Should be. Lamp Specialists has them I'm pretty sure. Electrical supply places that stock lighting should. Probably could get them at Switched on pot gardener too.
  11. Get a metal halide. They're much better.
  12. Easiest way is to leave the cannister empty, put the inlet hose in the tank, suck on the outlet house until it starts siphoning into the cannister then connect everything back up and turn on the power. If it still doesn't go, disconnect the outlet house and have it siphon through the cannister into a bucket for a few liters.
  13. I don't think there's much you can do. Redtailed sharks, once they mature a bit, get extremely aggressive and territorial.
  14. Ira

    Florecent fish

    I haven't noticed much glowing in the kitchen with my blacklight torch. I have noticed Bridget's aromatherapy oils glow, and so does the stain used on my doors.
  15. Ira

    Not so good

    No, that means they're not taken from the wild.
  16. Ira

    Not so good

    Let's see... For fish and shrimp I've bought,not counting glass shrimp and snails from the ocean 5 dead, 5 surviving. 50% survival rate Corals bought, not counting frags 9 dead, 1 surviving(My H Crispa) 10% survival rate So...I think I'll just be buying frags from now on as far as corals go.
  17. Ira

    Florecent fish

    Black light and UV light are not two different things, Both are UV, just black lights or UV torches(I have one, it's cool) put out UV-A which is harmless. UV-B is higher frequency and is most of what gives tans and UV-C is really nasty. Used in UV sterilizers, Flouro lights and MHs produce UV-C. But in fluoros it's blocked by the coating of the tube which then fluoresces and gives off the light you want and in MHs by the cover glass. Of course, it's not a sharp cutoff between the 3 types, so high end UV-A would be similar to low end UV-B... Either way, a blacklight isn't going to do any damage to your fish.
  18. Ira

    Florecent fish

    Ooh...I'll take 6 red and 6 blue please. And can I have a glow in the dark redspot pleco please?
  19. Waste of time, imo, like Suphew says. Once the tank is cycled something has to go massively wrong for you to have ammonia or Nitrite. And you're better off putting the money elsewhere. Like a couple frags or some more liverock.
  20. You must have used WAY too much. You only need a little, the little white blobs you get after using it are just precipitated calcium, I think. Not Sodium hydroxide and are relatively harmless from what I've seen. Certainly didn't hurt any of my corals. And all the sodium should dissolve in a minute or two if you don't use too much.
  21. I've had my tank of gouramis and my tank of bristlenoses regularly drop to 20 degrees and go over 30 degrees during water changes and, despite my best efforts, it's never killed any that I noticed.
  22. Ira


    And they can't get into the whole, "Mine's bigger than yours!" thing some guys around here get so caught up in.
  23. If you're being charged $.40 per kw/hr it's time to change power companies.
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