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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Hehehe, Funny you should post that. My two clowns are named Penny and Wise.
  2. And now that I've thought about it...It didn't take nearly as much salt as usual to get my water change bucket up to the "right" salinity.
  3. But was that dropping the whole way over about an hour? I'm just slowly adding salt straight to the sump to bring the salinity back up.
  4. I did a water change yesterday and just tested the salinity today and it was 1.023. My cleaner shrimp last I saw it was just laying on its side(Still aliveish) and then my basslet dragged it into the rocks. I'd imagine it's the drop from my normal 1.026 to 1.023 that caused the problem. I can't figure out how the salinity got that low though. I tested the salinity the day before and it was 1.026. I tested the salinity of the water change water and it was 1.026. Both at about the same temp, both gave the refractometer a minute for the temps to adjust. Poor little cleaner...
  5. Ira

    Canister Filters

    Nah, all my fluvals are great, they don't clog up very quickly at all.
  6. Ira

    Canister Filters

    Heh, I have a 2213 and it gunges up in a day or two and loses most of its flow.
  7. Unless you have a really cold house I doubt the heating would cost you more than $10-20/month.
  8. Ira


    Put a bead of silicone from the top of the fence down to the bottom on each side of the path you want the water to follow. That should keep it contained in a stream so it falls back into the water.
  9. Ira

    New toys

    I seriously doubt they'd work very well inline. More than a hint of head and they probably wouldn't flow anything at all. The same as streams and current seios. They're high flow, practically 0 head.
  10. Ira

    New toys

    Oooh, I want one! Well, not the 80k lph, that would probably explode my tank...
  11. And if you do break it, just get Chris Downs to fix it.
  12. Either get a HOB overflow like Wasp suggests or get the tank drilled. Otherwise you're going to either be constantly checking and tweaking it to get the flows right or you're going to have wet floors.
  13. You obviously don't have much willpower if you can't will a tank with water.
  14. Hehe, They're far less delicate than angels and guppies. Take a box, will it with warm water, add food, that's about all you need.
  15. 99% of the difference is personal preference.
  16. Ira

    ID help?

    This is stuck to a rock with a yellow Fiji leather from Pies. Some kind of sponge, maybe? The threads coming off it don't seem to retract like I'd expect if they were coral polyps.
  17. Ira

    Noisey Ballast

    All you can really do is make sure it's not vibrating against anything. Putting something around it will block any cooling and make it hot. Just learn to enjoy a nice 50 hertz hum.
  18. ONly $20? That's nothing at all.
  19. Bassletts are good, wrasses, clowns, boxfish, tangs, damsels...Actually, now that I think about it, I can't think of more than a couple marine fish that AREN'T colorful.
  20. So, they only grow up to what? 45°? 30°? :lol:
  21. Hmmm, Wierd...REcieved 2 new post emails and there hasn't been anything here. AND my last post disappeared.
  22. Hmph...Obviously my tank's not big enough to rate a mention. :lol:
  23. I'm not quite clear on this...Is the water flowing out of the tank though that pipe or is the water coming FROM the pipe? If it's leaving the tank through the pipe, you might be able to get more flow with a smaller pipe, but have it siphoning and using an air valve to tweak it to match the flow of the pump.
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