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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Mitre10, Bunnings. Should have concrete pigment, I know I've seen a variety of colors at mitre 10 here.
  2. What's wrong with your tank that you need to do water changes that frequently? My suggestion for that short a time is to do:Nothing.
  3. Macroalgae, nice stuff. Vermetid snail.
  4. That's what happens when a whistling tree frog has an affair with a whistling cave frog.
  5. Used according to manufacturer's recommendations. No. Yes. It has been found to be slightly effective in marine tanks in making proteins more easy to skim out of the water, which is basically irrelevant. You could ignore the manufacturer's recommendations, remove the UV lamp from its housing and wave it over the algae. This however would result in severe burns, blindness, cataracts, tumors and death. Of the available options I suggest spending the cost of the UV steriliser on bourbon and coke to be taken orally while looking at the tank and not giving a crap about a little bit of algae.
  6. I tried this pic: All the results were sushi.
  7. What, that's not how it wor...Wait...Woah, I had no idea it could do that. :lar: It's totally inaccurate, but still cool. I got a blue butterfly, a bunch of blue buildings, looks like a GPS and a guy in blue pants stuck in a concrete wall.
  8. Nope not me. I'm still not convinced most LED setups are nearly as efficient as people are claiming, given the specs for the cheaper ones put their lumens and PAR per watt as significantly worse than T5s and T8s and the expensive ones are only slightly better.
  9. I'd tend to stay away from potting mix and just go with straight aquatic mix. I believe most people have had good results without any other information I'd stay with what's proven to be safe.
  10. Also, how long from introduction to death for the various fish? Generally if water conditions seem ok and a fish dies within a few days or a week of introduction it's most likely to be shock from insufficient acclimatization. I think most people tend to just dump fish in, or only give them a 15 minutes or so, which I think isn't much better than nothing at all. My new fish I usually give 3-4 hours. Float the bag in the tank for half an hour, then pour a cup of tank water into the bag every 15 minutes to half an hour, dump half out once it gets full. Continue for as long as I have time or until I get bored. I haven't had any fish die since I started doing this and it's not really any work.
  11. I finally watched Ender's game. Really enjoyed it, though it could have done with another 3-4 hours. The need to make movies for the rest of the series. Good long movies though.
  12. That Astelia Grandis isn't even remotely similar. But Rheum Palmatum looks really nice and similar.
  13. I don't think I'd use potting mix, just go to your garden center and buy a bag of Dalton's Aquatic Mix.
  14. Yeah, they like very wet boggy soil, I'm sure you can imagine how much water is lost through those massive leaves.
  15. Ira

    DIY pleco food

    No, it needs to be boiled to make it sink.
  16. Some kind of little fountain would be good, you could run an intake hose to one side of the pond(With a filter) and a fountain on the other side. I don't think I'd bother with trying to pump the sludge off the bottom, just using buckets would be good.
  17. Ira

    DIY pleco food

    I found another even bigger marrow, courgette(Or whatever) and dehydrated it instead of freezing. Then boil to rehydrate and threw it in the tank. I think the fish approve. Also...the front of my tank isn't nearly as dirty as it looks.
  18. That's awesome, I like it. Definite potential. First thing that popped out to me is, that little narrow bit right in the middle, put a little bridge across, something like: (Although this one looks a bit funny) Something just big enough you can walk across? Also mowing and weeding should help, maybe making the grass around there look better. Is there a way to raise the water level? It looks like the yard is a significant distance above water level.
  19. Why would you have structural rocks resting on sand? Even without fish digging it will sink into the sand and your piles will fall over. I was going to be a smartass and post a pic about building on a solid foundation, but it seems most of the pics are religious. :sml2:
  20. Ira


    Interesting tank decorations.
  21. I feed my front all kinds of things, tonight I'm planning on feeding it fish and chips. I've never tried interorectogestion though, so I have no experience with feeding my back.
  22. I think most people already have a tank for their reptiles...
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