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Everything posted by Ira

  1. If it comes first so it catches all the rubbish and is frequently replaced it's mechanical. If it's after mechanical filtration so it doesn't clog up with rubbish and is left in it's biological.
  2. Sounds like a good start to me.
  3. Ira


    That's practically microscopic. A 1300lph power head with a smaller intake than most undergravel filters costs about $30 the last time I bought a couple.
  4. Ira


    I guess it depends on your definition of small powerheads. I don't see an air driven one moving 1000+lph.
  5. Problem also may have been feeding the fan 20 times the power it's expecting and changing polarity every 50th of a second. I'm surprised it blew up though, I would have expected it to sit there humming for a second and then melt.
  6. How can an axolotl be allowed but an axolotl not be allowed?
  7. Put me in the "I'd like a gun, but it's too much money and expense for something I'd probably barely ever use" club. Ruger 10/22 I think.
  8. I'd be interested to know where you read that if you can remember. So I can call them a crack monkey. :lol:
  9. Yeah, Quantum of solace was poor. Was there any span of more than about a second without a cut? Seriously, most of the movie it seemed to be at least 2 per second, I know most movies do it quite quickly but they seem to be at the very least slower and far less obtrusive. I watched Diary of the dead a few weeks ago, it was good and I'm pretty sure it's a 2008 movie.
  10. Also considered an invasive pest along with koi and similar, I believe.
  11. Get a heater, 18° is far too cold.
  12. Heh, yeah, I had to read Joliet's post 2-3 times before I realised, "No, it actually IS asking if it's ok to use an acrylic tank for tropicals." Heh, glass will bend if you heat it enough...But you'll need to put something other than water in it at that point.
  13. Oops, yes, that's what I meant, I'm sure I put "Over 1 inch" in the first time I typed that post up.
  14. What size are the tubes? If they're 1 inch diameter they're T12s which have been obsolete for something like 20 years. But are replacable with T8s. If they're currently T8s, then you need to replace them with T8s, T5s are not interchangable.
  15. *Runs screaming* All I did was feed my male and female up on frozen food, put my male in a calm tank, let him build a bubble nest for a few days then put the female in until they spawned. You'll know they have because there'll be heaps of little eggs floating everywhere that haven't made it into the nest and he'll be chasing the female into a corner. Then take them both out. 2 years and 400 fish later I finally got rid of them all. You will NEVER see a pregnant female pearl gourami. It never has and never will happen.
  16. If they're pregnant you should publish it in some big fishkeeping magazine, you'll the the first EVER to have a pregnant goldfish. You'll be FAMOUS! Otherwise, repeat after me, "Egg layers do NOT get pregnant."
  17. Also, if you look just above the field where you would have typed your post asking this question you'll find a line of buttons. One of which is URL and will show you the correct code if you put your mouse pointer over it AND insert the correct tags if you click on it.
  18. I don't remember hearing anyone have problems with the tabs that connect the magnet to the arm.
  19. Ira

    Green water......

    Assuming the water change water isn't part of the problem.
  20. I think one lead per dog would be all that's necessary, they'd clearly be a ground return system.
  21. I believe goldspot plecos the males pectoral fins have a thicker and more spikey front on them.
  22. How can you exercise a single dog in series? And wouldn't two dogs then be exercising them in parallel? Unless you have the two dogs tied to each other then I guess that would be in series.
  23. Well, I suppose you could glue them on, but it's not going to be easy to glue a sphere to a flat disc, and, obviously, you won't be able to redirect it afterwards.
  24. Yeah, start off with a puppy rather than a grown dog that's been trained to have company 24/7. Also google seperation anxiety and be good to start following those instructions from the beginning. My malamute is happy to be left home alone for 12+ hours because she knows when we leave she gets a carrot.
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