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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Even if insurance does pay out you're still usually stuck with the excess. I've had my car broken into twice. Once they stole my digital camera, the second they didn't steal anything. IIRC I didn't have to pay anything for the window, had to pay $250 excess on the camera, but they paid me enough for it that I bought the same kind of camera+another cheaper one off trade me with the leftover.
  2. Sounds like you need research more than you need a skimmer.
  3. You can find good secondhand ones occasionally that will work for a 4ft around $300-400, new they're around $1000.
  4. If you want to try it without a filter I'd suggest removing the silver dollars and cutting the angels back to 2. You don't absolutely need a filter, but it gives you the ability to handle a MUCH higher bioload.
  5. Ira

    Petshop rant

    I'm still wondering how you tell the difference between a bloated goldfish and a bloated goldfish when a bloated goldfish is a healthy goldfish and a the bloated goldfish is the sick goldfish?
  6. I've heard claims that they have a lot of formic acid in them, but I don't think the ones around here spit that so I doubt it's a concern. And really, if that's the case the fish won't eat many of them. So, go for it.
  7. I'd say he's lucky to be mobile enough to hurt himself climbing through a window.
  8. I dunno, leds aren't really that new of technology...Well, compared to fluoros I guess they are, I think they're about 70 years old now.
  9. Haha, Ouch, $575 NZ to replace over 40,000 hours approximately $50 worth of fluoro tubes and save $160 worth of electricity. That's $365 more. So, your labor cost to replace a tube would have to be $73(Changing 5 times) for you to break even.
  10. Ira

    Leopard fish

    I doubt you would have been told that unless you asked about gambusia/mosquito fish, which look similar but ARE illegal.
  11. Ira

    Can I have

    Haha, Yeah, like with the Jewels I used to have. I had 4 of them, ended up with I think it was 7 pairs, All of them trying to breed. Put two together, they'd pair up and try to breed, take one out replace it with another, pair up try to breed, take the other one out and replace it with a third, pair up try to breed... Problem was, ALL FEMALE!
  12. Ira

    Hybrid fish

    Blonde babes? Oh, that's two words. Hotties?
  13. Ira

    Hybrid fish

    I'd say Yes it is wrong. Even if they are the same species given the small pool of species and strains we have here you should be trying to keep strains pure rather than muddying them up.
  14. Ira

    Hybrid fish

    Although, in this case, I believe the red severums are a difference species, there are a handful of different severum species all of which are called severums, Heros Severus being the common gold and green. Red sevrums being, I think Heros efasciatus.
  15. Are you aware that the digestive systems of animals breaks foods down into it's proteins and minerals? Which makes them highly adaptable so that the original source of those proteins and minerals is relatively unimportant compared to its composition? Prepared foods are practically the natural diet of goldfish anyway, they've been domesticated for over a millenia. But the carp they're bred from do eat a lot of plant matter in the wild anyway.
  16. And fish can't eat them. Well...Most fish.
  17. I think fake or no plants is best. Then you don't have all the leaves and chunks of plants floating everywhere, don't need heaps of lighting, etc.
  18. Hmmm, Yeah, hard drives aren't airtight, forgot about that. Just keep it out of the oil too. Though, you could just seal it up and probably be fine.
  19. Only moving parts are the fans which you could replace with a water pump for circulation and any DVD drive which you could easily have outside the tank.
  20. Heh, that also exists. And equipment that will send you a text if there is a problem.
  21. Since it's leftovers and I tend not to eat my food raw, yes it's cooked.
  22. You can already buy tank computers that will do a lot of that, including managing your lighting and works as a wavemaker. The problem isn't really the system to monitor, record and display the information. That's just a few lines of code, the major problem is the hardware to detect the levels. There are PH, temp and salinity sensors that work fine. But calcium, KH, ammonia, nitrate all as far as I know cannot be detected with a sensor and need a reagent test. Which, I suppose is possible to automate, but would be expensive.
  23. You mean such as a bird nose wrasse?
  24. Yum, fish pre-vomit. I fed my severums a bunch of green caterpillars pulled off some cabbages, they seemed to like it. Also mince, chicken, steak and any kind of frozen veggies.
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