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Everything posted by Ira

  1. What kind of magnets are they? Rare earth magnets? Then they're usually nickel coated. You could always coat them in a few layers of polyurethane if you're worried.
  2. I give it a scrub and rinse to get any loose rubbish off then throw it straight in the tank wedged under a rock to hold it down.
  3. Yes! Eat the destructive invasive introduced pest species!
  4. Ira

    Neon died

    Yes, very easily. They're one of the more delicate, inbred fish.
  5. Ira

    Fortune Cookies

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. Note to self: Attention Deficit Disorder support meeting tomorHEY a butterfly! Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. How do you keep an idiot in suspense? [see other side for answer] How do you keep an idiot in suspense? [see other side for answer] As a matter of fact I *AM* happy to see you... Think how stupid the average person you know is, and remember half the world is stupider. It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission Eve, you IDIOT! Do not eat this fortune. Why is there always corn even though I haven't had any in a week? Ok, they're not so much fortunes...
  6. I think you used html intead of bbcode. The address needs to be inside a
  7. Actually, none of those words are spelled incorrectly.
  8. Brazilian puffers are best. Except mine died last week.
  9. Well, so far the dremel is A: Still working after a minute or two use unlike the other one. B: HEAPS quieter.
  10. Only if you don't have a good antivirus running.
  11. Why do you think I paid $150 for a proper dremel? Because the edit:suphew chinese knockoff broke after a grand total of about 5 minutes use and three complete teardowns.
  12. That wouldn't have done any good unless there's an actual mexican in it. And if there were I'd make him go out and do my yardwork.
  13. Just got my new dremel and was having a look through it. Some of it is assembled in Mexico! *Cough*Cough* I think I have swine flu now.*Cough* Going to have to call in sick to work...*Cough*Cough*
  14. Any fish you're going to get the occasional aggressive one. I've gone through about 8-9 severums and none of them were particularly aggressive. Also, Uarus are FAR more delicate.
  15. Yeah, it's normal. Most fish are mildly territorial or just curious. Fish aren't that smart, if they really want to get a closer look at something and it moves away, they keep swimming towards it until they reach it or forget what they were doing...This could be described as chasing.
  16. They're great tough, very well behaved fish. However, they will definitely eat: windelov Tiger Lotus Crypts Indian Fern (large leaf) Cyperus helferii Possibly eat: Kuhli Loaches Java Fern That's mostly because khuli loaches are very small, I'd say any tetras would be fine with them, but I think khulis would be like feeding them noodles. Oh, and they eat any plants they can get their teeth on, java fern seems to last as little while though.
  17. Why would you want to disrespect your tank? Most people would be happy to never feel their tank is inferior. Now, if you're never content with it, I'd suggest just leaving it alone for a few weeks, you'll never be satisfied if you're constantly rearranging it. It's not as if the fish care what it looks like.
  18. Maybe you should work out some more. Or get your girlfriend to lift it for you.
  19. Attach it to the lid and it lifts out of the way.
  20. Oh, BTW...Put the lights towards the front of the hood, the tank will look better with everything lit more from the front.
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