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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Nope, not really. They can still function reasonably well without vision sometimes.
  2. Most googling seems to say it's "Probably tempered". Set up a camera and drill it, then we'll all know.
  3. Snailrid? Relatively harmless to fish as long as you follow the instructions.
  4. Yeah, agreed. Looks like it wouldn't take much to make it make it twist and fall over sideways. I'd at least put some plywood along the back, that would reinforce it hugely.
  5. No, and all "Old tank syndrome" is, is a euphemism for a tank with massive amounts of rotting crap built up because of poor maintenance. In a tiny, easy to clean lfs tank with nothing but a few mm of gravel I doubt that's an issue.
  6. First decent was Descent?
  7. Could probably try the same kind of thing as killing aiptasia. Zap it with boiling water, kalk paste, sodium hydroxide solution, etc.
  8. And yet, all the ingredients are used in human medication. From your description the only possible use for it would be murdering babies. I think you're overreacting and you had an unusual sensitivity to it. Allergic reaction to any of the ingredients is rare but not unknown.
  9. And everyone else probably says, "Look, giant goldfish!"
  10. No wonder he's looking a bit green :sick:
  11. Looks like an icecream container. With the worst tasting flavor of icecream ever.
  12. Hmmm, Actually, I thought it was interesting.
  13. Ira

    Tank too small?

    Probably don't even need to drain it, just scoop with a bucket, don't need to get all of it.
  14. Don't know the exact measurements but that sounds about right, they're about average size. If you can't lift 7kg you probably won't be able to handle any canister filter.
  15. Yup, same, CF1200s are inexpensive and good. Never had any issues with mine out of some 15-20 filter years.
  16. Easy enough to plumb in DI after it.
  17. You bought driftwood? Why? Just throw it in the tank and weigh it down until it sinks. You can go through a bunch of work boiling it to make it sink, but there's no point, just throw it in the tank and put a rock on it.
  18. If you're worried about the anti-caking agent just check the label, it should tell you. Most common(I believe) is 551 which is Silicon dioxide. Which, if that's going to hurt fish they're in BIG trouble...
  19. Severums are a reasonable but not large cichlid, aren't particularly agressive and tend to be pretty interactive.
  20. $100...You might be able to beat that shopping around, but it doesn't sound like a bad price if you take into account not having to buy individual bits. And I'm guessing you probably don't have a good idea what you want/need already.
  21. It's easy enough to scoop off the surface every once in a while, I've never had much luck "breeding" it though,
  22. All of those would make an even worse return pump than a canister filter.
  23. I'm too fabulous to EVER be in the closet about my aquatic preferences.
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