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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Here's a nicer looking one off tardme. Without the red spots. They're all pretty ugly anyway.
  2. Define a lot? Barely any salt, especially if you rinse it first which you should do anyway. It all dissolves easily in water and gets rinsed away, that's how it got there in the first place! And the traces that are left...Salt is not poisonous, it doesn't cause cancer, it doesn't hurt fish in small quantities, it's even GOOD for them sometimes! Who cares about a few traces of salt? And you may end up with it slightly increasing your PH if you get sand that has a lot of shells in it. Get sand without a lot of shells in it. Problem solved.
  3. Looks about like an average discus to me.
  4. Ah, another one. There's someone every month or so wanting to know how hard it is to get XXXX fish imported. Noone ever does it. You need a quarantine facility or talk the 2-3 people with facilities into importing for you. You'll need to pay them thousands of dollars to make it worth their time. Use the search function, there will be heaps of these same threads. Maybe we need a sticky?
  5. I tried giving my rosella a mealworm once. She was HORRIFIED. But both the parrots like chicken.
  6. Pellets. Harrisons are one of the best. Minimal seeds! Also fruits and veggies.
  7. Most of his problems would have been stopped if whoever bred him or even the previous owners when he was young had asked someone with half a clue, "What do I feed him?" Rather than this idiotic, irresponsible concept that most people seem to have that sunflower seeds are the only thing to feed parrots.
  8. No real idea beyond at least 4-5 years old.
  9. His name was Spike...We're changing that. Rescued him from a 70ish yo man, he was the guy's wife's pet before she died 4 years ago. Hasn't been out of his cage since then. The week before we picked him up he started falling off his perch, when we picked him up he had a broken wing and was sneezing blood. So, off to the vet for x-rays. His wings are full of old, healed breaks. Wings and joints are deformed and arthritic due to horrible diet likely from the time he hatched. The vet asked when she saw him, "What's his diet? Let me guess, sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds and more sunflower seeds?" Yep. Previous owner gave us his leftover food, a 5 gallon bucket of sunflower seeds. We're not sure how old he is but it appears since he hatched he's been fed nothing but sunflower seeds and the odd bit of toast, icecream and chocolate. FAR too late now to do anything for him so we're just going to try and get him eating something other than garbage. He's basically on a DNR now.
  10. Pretty sure that's the whole range right there. Some variation of exact shades, and the very rare albino or other color that probably gets eaten as a fry.
  11. I'd go with dish soap, water and a scrub brush.
  12. I'd ask the company's advice to begin with, if they deal in fragile merchandise they'll probably have a preferred way. And if it does get broken it might be easier to get them to pay out if it was packed according to their directions.
  13. Ira

    Elite Heaters

    I don't think "Some people on the internet says they suck." is a valid reason to return it.
  14. Cold water, warm water, hot water, doesn't matter.
  15. Give them a bit of a scrub to get any dirt off and throw them in. It's not as if there are piles of cyanide rocks laying around.
  16. With the exception of during water changes I don't think either of my tanks have moved more than a degree or so in a year.
  17. A centimeter isn't enough. Sunken driftwood has strength not far off marshmallows.
  18. If you're too dumb to close a door you're too dumb to have livestock.
  19. Looks like a kokopu to me. Got any streams around? I think you're imagining the salty smell, they're freshwater.
  20. I wouldn't have thought fencing off an area to put the chickens in and the dog outside of would be rocket science. Thank you for correcting me, you've proven that clearly it is.
  21. Mitre10 sells it. Something like $5/meter. How much is a chicken worth?
  22. You liar, I'm not getting grumpy! That would require me to have stopped being grumpy at some point.
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