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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    Then you have no excuse!
  2. Get a cat. Much better at disciplining children than a dog and the marks heal quicker.
  3. Ira


    How old are you?
  4. They also tend to be hyperactive, poorly trained and hence more aggressive. I think the best dogs with kids are st bernards and english mastiffs.
  5. Sufficient for fish to be visible, insufficient to grow plants.
  6. Ira


    I'm not sure it would be legal for them to stock them. I think Alan has said before that it's technically illegal to collect them because they're covered under the crustacean harvesting laws?
  7. Ira


    Natives only.
  8. Click it again. It works only from the index page.
  9. Yup. Actually, the red/cream male is for sale. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a buyer in mind already, her kittens frequently are claimed before they're even fetusses. The tortoiseshell is going to be a queen though.
  10. Ira


    Visit a local stream at night with a torch?
  11. She's also the one in the bottom pic.
  12. Ira


    I'm not even sure it needs diluted, it's a bit saltier than the claimed ideal, but I had much better results before I started trying to lower the salinity to the "ideal" range.
  13. Throw a couple female guppies in, that should calm him down. Soon he'll be too henpecked to want t do anything but sulk in a corner of the tank and wish someone would pour some beer in the tank.
  14. Doesn't matter, kill them. Doesn't matter, kill them. No, kill them. The only good snails are apple snails and you'd have intentionally put them in your tank. The rest, especilly for a new tank like yours are pests. Kill them.
  15. Or married guys, except we usually are more well fed.
  16. You don't want a step down transformer, you want a 12v power supply. 12a is a pretty hefty amount of current, you'll probably do best with something like a converted PC power supply. Most others are either 1 amp range wall warts or couple amp laptop PSUs. This should work: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Business-farming-industry/Industrial/Electrical-equipment/Electronic-components/auction-361287412.htm
  17. :facepalm: You even need to ask? Yes, best fish section within driving distance of Wellington.
  18. You'd be not very good at winning either if your entire adult life consisted of running around trying to get laid while slowly starving to death.
  19. Fortunately they're really easy to breed in captivity. But the offspring seem to lose size each generation.
  20. My LFS never has any baby kraken either.
  21. I'd be surprised if they didn't. The place I usually get rocks tends to have 3-4 large piles of a couple tons of different types of flat slate, schist etc. Like these couple pieces...
  22. BTW, that would also require the seeds to be ground up into a fine powder, if they're not ground up they have too small of a surface area exposing it to stomach acids to release any cyanide. You'll just end up with lots of appleseed in their poop. Which is exactly the point of growing fruit around seeds. It would be stupid to kill the animals you want to spread your seed.
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