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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. I would keep both filter running for a few weeks then remove the internal or just keep it there for use in another tank later. Just wondering do you mix the propagating sand with the aquatic mix? or put on top? then I add 5 or 6cm of gravel on top?
  2. Wouldnt the poo get mixed up in it and you would have to change it? I always wondered how you clean reptile tanks. :lol:
  3. I really want to totally redo my 110 litre. I would like to get some daltons aquatic mix under the gravel to help plants, rearange the plants and get a canister filter. My internal is pretty good but it clogs a bit and I have heard canisters are quieter. Heres my plan. 1. Change half of the water out window as normal. 2. Siphon 20 litres into a bucket and put the fish, filter, heater in it. filter and heater should keep fish happy in there 3. Carefully scoop plants with gravel around them into trays of some kind without disturbing roots too much and remove recor. 4. Siphon the rest of the water into buckets. 5. Scoop up remaining gravel into container 6. Put daltons in tank. 7. Add old gravel plus more into tank. 8. Add back the decor and the plants back to the tank and rescape the tank. 9. Pour water back into tank. 10. Add the bucket with the fish in it and put back in heater and filter. 11. Add new water. 12. Add canister? Is this a good plan? should I do anything else?
  4. is that ordinary java moss growing the driftwood? I really like the look of it.
  5. Ludwiga repens or red hygro? Do they have to be SA plants?
  6. what species would these be? Do you need to have a dwarf cichlid at all? why not just get a larger school of corys, I think it would look great as the only botton dwelers. Is this tank going to be a biotype or just SA fish only? what plants are you considering?
  7. I am in no ways an expert on the subject but from what I have seen and heard any species of rams are not sutable to be kept with altum or scarlae angels unless the rams have hiding places the angels cant get to. I know close to nothing about leopoldi angels, Can you tell where you got this information saying that they are smaller and more peaceful? I have no idea why you would think apistogramas would be likely to be killed by angels, they are usally quite big and bigger than rams and slighty more agressive. most species are far to big to be bothered by angels. I would also suggest getting a school of about 8 cories in there as bottom dwelers.
  8. the angels will kill the rams, they are not a tough cichlid. They might work in smaller numbers with plenty of hiding places I would ditch the rams and get more than 3 angels so if 2 decide to breed you will not be left with 1 loner. you could always go for kribs or apistogrammas insted of the rams.
  9. Any experience with this? Can you get from garden centres? or mitre ten? Is it possible to add to to an already set up tank with water it?
  10. nothing except angels at the moment
  11. Funny I know hardly any one named mark but I know ALOT of Andrews. Two of which keep fish.
  12. It is an urban myth that tight/skinny jeans are genital squishing.
  13. I enjoy being odd too, its very fun. I am not goth, emo or anythig like that I just do odd things. Interesting to think that most of the people on here consider them selves odd. But hey thats a good thing, when you think about it spending thousands on keeping fish in glass boxes so we can spend our time watching them swim around in them.
  14. if you want a large online game get worms world party, its only $10 and lots of people play.
  15. GBA Golden bristle nosed Ancristus MTS Malaysian trumpet snail(s) NTD Neon tetra disease
  16. how many litres is a standard bath?
  17. do I need to change the water very often? I could always change my plan and go with natives or WCMM?
  18. Do you mean koi or goldfish? Koi are pests and illegal, both koi and goldfish could have eatin them. They are both cold water and should not mix with tropicals like rummy noses. Cichlid could also have eatin them but not at it's size. Sliver dollars are herbivores so not them but could have attacked it If any of the above fish had attacked and killed them but not eatin them. The BN would have finished the body. I would suggest upgrading and removing the cichlid. Hope this helps.
  19. thanks caryl How do you get a filter or pump goin without having an extenion lead going inside? I can get oxygen weed and lily pads from the local ponds and rivers. Would a substrate help with holding benificial bacteria if there was no filter? also would I need netting over it to stop cats from eating. My cat has eatin goldfish before so I would need something to proctect them. It gets very, very cold here ie frozen pons that you can walk on, enough snow to close roads. Would I need a airstone or something to stop the top freezing over?
  20. I am thinking of setting up a pond in an old bath tub. Is there anything impostant I need to know? My main questions are? How many gold fish would you fit in a standard bath? Do you need to keep the bath out of the sun? Do you need to have any water circulation or airation? Do you need to feed much or do they mostly live off insects? Can you buy plants from garden centers or should I go trade me? Which goldfish varietes can live outside? specificaly shubunkins. Can gold fish live with WCMM or tadpoles? Do you need a substrate? Help apprieciated
  21. Not quite what you are looking for but I have seen ambulia attached to driftwood.
  22. they will be for a while but when bigger will probly kill the rams. I dont think they are nippy so the angels would be fine, I think,
  23. What is the difference between these and how do you know the sizes for them? http://www.petplanet.co.nz/shopping/pgm ... d=354&=SID http://www.petplanet.co.nz/shopping/pgm ... d=291&=SID I still dont get this?
  24. I justed checked my kelvin rating for my bulbs and it is only 2200 and they grow, If I added T5s for example would they take off in growth?
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