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Mrs Frog

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Everything posted by Mrs Frog

  1. I have just rung Fastways, NZ Couriers and NZ post and all of them have said NO to taking parcels that contain live fish?? Who do you use to send fish with?? I know a lot of people do send fish but who with? Thanks.
  2. :-? oh he is a really big fish, possibly 25-30cm. He is very friendly with me, I can hand feed him and he 'relates' to me rather well, he is more like a pet. Obviously there was not enough room for both and he made sure one of them had to go....geez what an awful way to learn lol. Bring on the bigger tank huh!
  3. 4ft tank and just those two in it, each with their own cave....maybe the tank wasn't big enough?? :-?
  4. I have never seen these fish anywhere , it does suck big time because I would like to try him with another mate, he seems really lonely and 'slow' now, :-? I'm also in an area where its very hard to get good tropical fish let alone cichlids...let alone the redheads!
  5. lol yeah I have no idea what they are doing or whats going on
  6. She died today. I am so sad as she was truly beautiful and so friendly. i thought she was coming right, but then found her upside down I'll miss her.
  7. Yeah the bigger humphead one patrols the tank, pushes other fish away from his/her 'caves' and 'spots' whereas the smaller Convict spends a lot of time in a pit that it has dug down by the heater.
  8. oh that really sucks! I would love to see that...and all those ponds WOW! What a shame no-one put their hand up. I'm too far away
  9. I have one with a slight hump on its forehead and is bigger than the other who has no hump lol, no orange bellies on either of them and neither of them have long flowing finnage like I've seen on the net on other male convicts , its annoying me because I paid for a male and a female and I have no idea what i've got lol....oh and there is a bigger and smaller in size but then I have no idea how old they are....one could be a lot smaller and a lot younger! sheesh.
  10. Do all female convicts have an orange-ness on their belly area? I have two and can not figure out if they are both male or not. :-?
  11. Hmm, yes I have the same problem getting good fish lol, I was disgusted at yes COMMON guppies being $14.95 each But thankfully to lovely people that have shipped me fish, I now have a gorgeous selection of gold guppies
  12. I have a nice big shell in my tank and have never had any problems I just washed it.
  13. Hey thats interesting, I like that, let us know how it goes
  14. I have also traded with that trader and have also found their items to be perfectly fine with no issues. I have brought heaters, pumps etc...never a problem. I agree with supporting your local fish shop...but many NZ'ers do not have a local fish shop so they will happily use TM.
  15. Mrs Frog

    Fish ID

    The top fish will no doubt be poorly coloured at the moment as they had just been moved from there home in Blenheim and relocated to their new home in Rai Valley lol, I reckon they didn't like being moved.
  16. Mrs Frog

    Fish ID

    Can anyone tell me what type of fish these are?
  17. Thank you I had heard that Cichlids can be aggressive but I thought...yeah right MINE aren't lol...he sure showed me up! I hope she recovers too, shes looking okay, probably a bit sore :-?
  18. I've had my pair living happily together now for about 3mths, both fish are approx 20mths old, anyway they have always been close...until lately, he has been a bit of a bully but nothing too major, went out today, came home and he had nearly beaten her to death , I quickly moved her out. He has given her a real hammering....but why would he do this to her now after months of placid living?? Can I put them back together at any point of time??
  19. Hiya, they sure have lol, I have many lovely little fry swimming all over the tank. I can't wait to see how they turn out
  20. I will keep an eye on them all for any signs of over aggression.
  21. Looking forward to this Have to book a babysitter now lol.
  22. Oh geez lol, surely they can't be worse than guppies!
  23. okay thanks, do convicts get a bit bitchy when they are breeding lol?
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