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Everything posted by livingart

  1. love the beardies good photos especially the male your breeding with thanks for photos
  2. and got involved in the wildlife learn heaps b dude
  3. yes the fish world cup won 4 years ago by the red arowana team representing asia gold in the high and long jump combined event for Scarletti leapagrandis
  4. aviary, novalite 3 sides and roof, rollup zipped plastic fronts, under sand heating for ply hot boxes. fronts down on wet days, brought inside during colder months seems fine for beardies both species, blue tongues and waters when animals stay in hotboxes all day then time for indoors
  5. NO but their parents would be harmless
  6. so dimebag is a carpet stretcher yes a long piece of even 30 mm thick ply will bend but with with only 30mm sticking out each end you will be right. dont use mdf as stated it turns to poo when it gets wet, remember its basically just extra thick cardboard
  7. as Ianab said it depends on if stunting is environmetal or genetic genetic means that possibly some of the young will be stunted or carrying the gene Ryukin goldfish always look deformed to me but beauty is in the eye of the betrothed, sorry beholder
  8. maybe the thing it will do is give a bigger footprint so that the weight is dispersed all over instead of just in focal points if your worried evil get under the house with some tanalised 4x4 inch on a piece spread on ground and jamb under the joists for more support
  9. maybe they're here so they can back the winning team at the world cup
  10. just a few thoughts nz a smaller country smaller population smaller number of serious fish breeders smaller number of fish brought in smaller gene pool to work with, some species only come in in one shipment ? more chance of inbreeding ? more chance of sports or mutations occuring ? mutations of nz kakariki are being bred overseas for a few years now whereas in nz have only occured a few times, pieds and yellows your thoughts ?
  11. or something baaaaaaaaddddd 8)
  12. have 2 living happilyy in the big malawi tank, would have been lucky to be 2 cm when i got them now about 4 - 5 cm and happy as larry in there they sit on a rock and stare at you for ages, funny faces
  13. we breed miniature highland cows, kune kune pigs and bantams, it has taken over 12 years of selective breeding to achieve homozygous animals so we can guarantee animals are indeed miniature breeding a runt to a runt does not achieve this only producing probably inferior animals and some large ones in amongst them until he has reared these jags to mature age as you have all rightly stated the poos are indeed flowing
  14. looks like a cross between a snapping turt and a cogwheel turt nice turtle, is it a new discovery? fat whatever it is
  15. is it a possibility it had eaten something and blockage occured, stomach contents fermented causing the burst might have happened after fish died maybe, anus not working and bad stomach swelled up sorry just suggestions did it smell bad was rest of fish rotten heaps of questions 8) who smells a dead fish :oops: me to eliminate the aforementioned possibilities
  16. nice fish catch them fishing or diving? the young sanddagers is pretty is the perch the smallest groper in the world allports and butterfly perch next addition cheers mark
  17. can send some gisbornes how many mark
  18. i only open my mouth to change feet
  19. probably one of the natives then, they don't tend to come inside
  20. good page to roaches in nz http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resea ... onomic.asp doesn't say anything about their taste though some of the darker ones have a funny smell though and have seen the beardies spit them out at first then eat them
  21. please define red :oops: there are a few beardies displaying varying amounts of red available in nz this is a good site for beardie colour morphs http://www.dachiu.com/gallery/pix2.html price from 500 to ?????? depending on how red because of the smaller gene pool in nz mutations are starting to pop up
  22. java moss, i have plenty if you want some, free pm we are on tga side of bridge
  23. Australian rules are basically the same as nz reference below http://www.amonline.net.au/factSheets/reptiles_pets.htm used to be different from state to state like USA but now all are same I think ceolanth (spelling on purpose) was trying to get a point across without being heavy handed. if the aussie authorities were watching this forum the bearded dude might get a visit though like nz the odd young person is allowed to pass under the radar when its not a big operation beardy dude it is not hard to get a license and join a local herp society then no one can ever take your charges off you, that would be sad speaking of technicalities in the eyes of the law ignorance of the law is no excuse. and the drunk (legless) lizard is still wild caught, no matter who caught it i do speak from experience of losing some lizards that technically were allowed in nz :evil:
  24. got to agree with the fossil fish and ecology student ( davidb ) tuatara the living dinosaur, not a lizard or really a dinosaur lizards are a more modern occurence
  25. like the layout diagram evil, what program did you use?
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