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Everything posted by livingart

  1. lucky no one got it as i don't even own a convict :oops: :oops:
  2. somebody in taupo had them listed on trademe... sorry about that word normal dempseys that is
  3. Daddy and son needed to make it big to see the little fellas cirri with [url=http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?
  4. release at 3 weeks, in the wild only 1 % of progeny reach adulthood, hence the up to 200 babies they can have at a time in the first 24 hrs after birth approx 50 % are eaten or die so they have a slim chance in the wild In the 80's i used to catch and sell them to the pet trade so as i was taking from the wild i think its only fair that i replaced more than i had taken, renewable resource and respect as well at 3 weeks of age their chances of survival to adulthood were greatly increased, let nature take its course after that. it is just a practice i have kept up, if you keep lots of horses you have babies to deal with our turtles lay approx 400 eggs each year but we only hatch 80 as we can only sell about that many each year as responsible owners can be hard to find
  5. love the competition 1st prize a bucket of convict fryy 2nd prize 2 buckets of convict fry
  6. love the horse pics djsurfs one of my favourite local marine scorpionfish
  7. got 3, 2 from early import and smaller from later want some normals about the same size about 7-8cm to grow on with hopefully the sexes are 2 males and female want to try a few combinations of pairing as these are possibly related
  8. hi Navarre how are the fish ? using pic as desktop at the mo
  9. 3 of these currently running with 9 loaches, BGK, 2 small senegals, 9 festivums and 2 large angels, do you think i could introduce 8cm normal dempseys into this group ?
  10. fell in love when i saw them too the blue is intense
  11. try some frozen or live daphnia on the smaller horses
  12. half of our males have cirri and about 1/3rd of progeny, some get knocked off if they are tumbled too much when very young show tank is 5 foot x 20 inch x 20 inch breeding tank is a 1metre deep by 60 x60cm plastic bin courtship involves 2 or 3 males harassing a pregnant female and driving her upwards in the water, if the tank is too shallow they broach on the surface and transferal of eggs can't take place, sometimes the males will suck air into the open pouch and you have to release it or they can't swim properly. The same thing can happen with airstones in the tank it is a good challenge, first started keeping horses in 1984 been keeping them ever since, fry are susceptible to water quality, flowrate, live food and being eaten by the parents. We have a constant supply of fresh saltwater and brine shrimp, currently setting up a new breeding system with a 1,000 litre sump on a trickle flow, currently raise about 50% of fry and put 80% of them in the habour We feed frozen brine shrimp, mysis, daphnia and bloodworms float cubes in tank and up flowrate as they defrost they float around the tank and they chase them (enrichment program) for seahorses lol also feed live whiteworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia and brineshrimp run young with older horses to teach them to accept frozen food flounder is abot 4cm a bit big for any horses snout females can sometimes get eggbound with eggs putting pressure on internal organs, small males can go the same way if they are impregnated by a large female where the young grow too big for the pouch and crush internal organs good luck with the gee gees carznkats
  13. the photos of the big ones are about 7 inches the small one, sister, about 3 inches
  14. livingart


    the diving bird Gannet has been fishing Topside underside too small to eat so he spat it out, 4cm
  15. caroline has been taking photos again the other two are hiding since i put the pair of angels back in there must move them
  16. tankmate that gannet caught can you see the flounder ?
  17. cut in wages this week for the diving bird two males the back one isn't carrying eggs
  18. sister she has red highlights coming through
  19. mummy this time last time was a black with red highlights
  20. thanks for that is the anal fin size an indication of their sex in these guys
  21. have 2 senegals, 1 albino and 1 grey around the 20 - 22cm mark, the grey has grown rapidly and is now bigger than the albino, both fed the same they spend a lot of time together side by side nestled in the java moss and fern are the albinos slower growing than the normals
  22. can understand where your coming from Yarimochi, i spent 13 years working for circuses, loved the animals and the life but eventually couldn't put up with the indifference and abuse that went on from some of the owners. don't let them kill your passion as well
  23. i have 2 grey senegals about 100mm that i can't put with my pair of larger ones, open to offers
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