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Everything posted by livingart

  1. Personally I would add it when just plecs and loaches to avoid any possible stunting. Give some floating weed for cover and to make it feel safer
  2. The mix of chromosomes in your lep may be what has produced its size, will be interesting to see if it carries to the offspring.
  3. livingart


    What is the active ingredient in this weedkiller?
  4. fisornic.all.pdf http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/border/transitional-facilities/animals/154-02-06.htm http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0095/67.0/DLM314623.html]Biosecurity Act 1993[/url fisornic.all.pdf
  5. Building your own is really the only other option,
  6. There is a good article in beginners section about cycling your tank, relying on advice from a shop can be a hit and miss affair.
  7. I thought ACC had a minimum of 500 to cover paper cuts while doing bookwork
  8. Chur bru, off to get the big one tomorrow have 4 pairs and a spare male now blue moon butterfly
  9. BBS, phyto, coral food for filter feeders, fish, mussel, prawn, tuatua, frozen and live mysid for rest.
  10. From memory the mucus layer prevent trophonts attaching
  11. read another paper on developing a vaccine for it apparently recovered infected fish build up a resistance to it
  12. Carpet shark egg case. Blurry vid but you can make out the embryo moving. and a bigger one
  13. Caught one of these on Sunday. sorry until i get camera back this pic is off the net back there today and now have 2 pair :bggrn:
  14. As above in the Tauranga area, wanted to breed butterflies in.
  15. They put a button on for a reason. :smln:
  16. EBJD can be slow growers and easily put off by more agressive fish.
  17. Heater says 26 what temp is tank? Do you have a decent thermometer? Button may need to be depressed to alter temp.
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